
3rd ISCFEDM – Section D, Disaster Management

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This page contains the presentations of Section D of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2023. (Az oldal a III. Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1
Chair: Nicolae Ajtai | Co-chair: Árpád Muhoray


Subsection 2

Chair: Tlou Raphela | Co-chair: Lajos Kátai-Urbán
Subsection 3
Chair: Zoltán Török | Co-chair: József Ambrusz
Subsection 4
Chair: Olivia Kunguma | Co-chair: Ágnes Jenei



Almási Csaba Sándor – Cimer Zsolt – Kátai-Urbán Lajos – Varga Ferenc: The history of the development of international regulations for the transport of dangerous goods by road


Fire brigadier Major, Csaba Almasi: He gained work experience in emergency services, as a first responder firefighter and a HazMat/CBRN(E) Reconnaissance Officer. He is a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service in 2020, where he is currently an assistant lecturer as well. His research topic is “Investigation

  Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis
  Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.
  Fire brigadier General, Ferenc Varga PhD: Fire protection engineer, associate professor. Head of the Institute of Disaster Management of Faculty of Law Enforcement, University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He holds a PhD degree in Military Engineering from the University of Public Service (2019). His research interests are in the field of disaster management and fire protection. Since 1986, he provided various management positions at the Budapest Directorate of Disaster Management. Since 2023, he has been the head of the Institute of Disaster Management (UPS). He has several decades of experience in management, having previously headed the Budapest Disaster Management Directorate. His current research field is military engineering. He is the author of numerous scientific publications.


Barina Balázs: First response in radiological emergency situations


Barina Balázs József is a second-year Doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. Before starting the PhD. he completed his Bsc degree in Fire Protection and Rescue Management and his Masters degree in Disaster Management at the University of Public Service. He currently works as unit leader at the fire department of the nuclear power plant of Paks. He considers the effective protection of the lives and health of the first responders to be his primary objective. His research interests are the development of severe accident management methods and procedures, and the improvement of the radiation protection for first responders.


Berger Ádám – Kátai-Urbán Lajos – Cimer Zsolt: Principles for the outdoor storage of dangerous goods in parcels


Ádám Berger is an engineer at the Department of Water and Environmental Security of the University of Public Service. In the course of his work, he examines the spread of dangerous substances in water and in soil. Nowadays he is a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering of University of Public Services. His field of research is Disaster Management. The topic of his research is about the resistance developed by dangerous materials to remediation boards and large artefacts against the irreversible effects of accidents.

  Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis
  Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.


István Benda - József Dobor: Summary of the lithium battery issue from the perspective of first responders

  My name is István Benda, I have been a professional firefighter for more than 15 years, currently I am a driver at the Budapest Fire Brigade, in the XI District Professional Fire Brigade.
  Workplace: University of Public Administration, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu


Fekete Alexander – Geiger Manuel – Neuner Steffen – Bodur ennes Muhammed: Challenges in adaptation/modification of the German incident
command system for hospital disaster management


Alexander Fekete is Professor of Risk and Crisis Management at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. He works in the field of security research on natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes, or landslides. His research focuses on their impact on affected persons, but also on power and supply chain failures. He has gained work experience at universities, the United Nations and the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance. 

  Manuel Geiger is Research Assistant at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and a medical student at the University of Bonn. He has a master’s degree in safety engineering and is specialized on critical infrastructures, especially health care facilities and drinking water supply. He has gained work experience in fire engineering and international experiences as volunteer at the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in the INSARAG Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team. 
  Steffen Neuner is Research Assistant at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. He has a bachelor's degree in Rescue Engineering. He works in the field of critical infrastructures. He focuses on the resilience of health care facilities. He has gained work experience at the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). 
  Muhammed Enes Bodur is also research assistant at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences. He has a bachelor's degree in Rescue Engineering. He works in the field of critical infrastructures and focuses on the resilience of health care facilities. He has gained work experience as volunteer firefighter in Cologne. 


Hábermayer Tamás – Muhoray Árpád: The activity of urban search and rescue teams and the relationship between asbestos pollution.  The Alert Pro 1000 and the WISER software

Dr. Árpád Muhoray PhD, a retired major-general of civil protection, a honorary university professor of Nationale University of Publice Service.
• He graduated in the Military Academy of Armored Troops Malinovszkij Rogyion  Jakovlevics in former Soviet Union, in Moscow, his university degree is tank engineer.
• He served 25 years for the Hungarian Arm, he was the commander garrison of town Zalaegerszeg.
• After the Army Mr. Muhoray joined the Hungarian Civil Protection, he was appointed to the county director of HDM in county Zala in 2000. 
• 2002-2010 Deputy Director General for Emergency Management of NDGDM, and commander of Operationel Staff of Govermental Cordination Committe,
• 2010-2011 he was the director of Disaster Management Training Centre  of NDGDM,
• 2012- an assistant university professor of NUPS in Institut of Disaster Management,
• 2020- honorary university professor.
• Mr. Muhoray obtained his PhD degree at the Nationale Defence University in Budapest. He made several researches in the Hungarian Disaster Manegement on country and county level

Tamás Hábermayer began his career on August 20, 2002 in the Szentendre Barracks of the Hungarian Armed Forces, after graduating from the Kossuth Lajos Faculty of Military Sciences of the Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defense as an artillery officer and lieutenant.

He gained military peacekeeping experience in 2004 when he held a liaison position in the Central - South Multinational Division - Hungarian Logistics Transport Battalion in Iraq. After completing various responsible military positions (trainer, deputy squadron commander), he was transferred from the Hungarian Armed Forces to the Disaster Management staff at his request.

On 1 March 2007, he was appointed to the position of Head of the Civil Protection Branch Office of the Bács–Kiskun County Disaster Management Directorate, which he held until 31 December 2011. During this period, he took part in the protection against the 2010 floods in Felsőzsolca and the red sludge disaster, where he served as rescue and coordination commander.

He developed his professional knowledge by obtaining the master degree of disaster management civil protection organizer, passing a law enforcement professional examination and passing a law enforcement master's examination. In addition, in order to expand his legal knowledge, he graduated from the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law.

From 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2013, he held the position of Deputy Commander of the Kalocsa Professional Fire Brigade of the Bács-Kiskun County Disaster Management Directorate. During the 2013 Danube flood, he worked as a defense manager on the Solt - Harta - Dunapataj defense line. From 1 July 2013 to 21 December 2014, he was the Deputy Inspector General of Civil Protection of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of the Interior. As of December 22, 2014, he is currently the Deputy Director of the Tolna County Disaster Management Directorate.

As head, he is responsible for the general replacement of the director and for the professional management of the fire, civil protection, industrial security and integrated official work.  He is married, father of two sons.


Kátai-Urbán Maxim – Bíró Tibor – Révai Róbert – Cimer Zsolt: Safety Organization of Dangerous Establishments, with particular regard to the Prevention of Water Pollution


Kátai-Urbán Maxim


Tibor Bíró


Róbert Révai

  Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis


Kirovné Rácz Réka Magdolna: International efforts to reduce disaster risk


Her name is Réka Magdolna Kirovné Dr. Rácz. She is a lecturer at University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Disaster Management Operations.

Her studies:

  • Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University, defense administrative manager (2008),
  • Doktoral School of Military Science (2015).

Her research areas: extreme weather events, climate change, disaster management tasks of the local governments.


Lőricz Levente – Horváth Hermina: Household poisoning accidents and prevention


Maj. Hermina Horváth is an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service since 2012.

She was born on 17 of April 1988 in Szekszárd. She began her studies in 2006 at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration officer and in 2009 the MSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration manager, disaster specialization. She began her PhD studies in 2013 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service.

Her research topic is emergency planning at railway marshalling yards, and dangerous goods transportation. She is also has a certificate of training as safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterway. In addition she is the secretary at Scientific Students Association at the Faculty of Law Enforcement at UPS. She received the excellent lecturer title of the Institute in 2017.


My name is Lőrincz Levente Zoltán.I was born in 2000 in Tolna County. I am currently a second-year student at the National University of Public Service, specializing in industrial security. I decided on my own to work in the field of disaster management, there was no example in my family before that someone chose the life in uniform. As soon as I got here and started my studies, I wanted to apply as soon as possible to a local volunteer fire brigade, because that's what I'm really interested in and that's what really made me choose it. I really enjoy spending my time with the fire brigade and working with them on different incidents. It gives me a lot of inspiration for my plans.


Pawel Gromek: Operational risk and epidemic risk reduction


Maj. Pawel Gromek, DSc Eng. serves as associate professor at the Institute of Internal Security at The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw (Poland) (SGSP) and officer of the State Fire Service of the Republic of Poland. He was Deputy-Dean of Faculty of Civil Safety Engineering at SGSP (2016-2019) and Deputy-Rector for Science and Education at SGSP (2019-2020). He holds an M.S. in Fire Safety Engineering (Engineering Studies) from the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Poland, a PhD in Security Studies (Social Sciences) from the National Defense Academy in Warsaw, Poland, and a Doctorate of Science in Security Studies (Social Sciences) from The War Art Academy in Warsaw, Poland. He completed post-graduate studies in occupational safety and health at Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, and post-graduate studies in pedagogics for teachers at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Maj. Gromek is expert in European Research Executive Agency and the Government Centre for Security (Poland). He has researched and published in several areas of security including disaster risk reduction, crisis management, homeland security and infrastructure resilience. He is married and has three great daughters.


Teknős László: Sustainability aspects of disaster management


Dr. László Teknős was born on 30 of March 1985 in Debrecen. He is an assistant professor at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement of the University of Public Service, fire captain of the professional disaster management organization. Graduated in 2010 as a Certified Defense Administrative Manager, and in 2015 earned a PhD in Military Engineering. In 2021, received a degree in agricultural engineering from Szent István University. With his research on climate change and disaster management, he has participated in several Hungarian projects as a researcher, as has won various positions and awards in several national and professional competitions. He was named ‘excellent lecturer’ of the Institute of Disaster Management of the National University of Public Service in the academic year of 2017/2018. In 2020, he received the János Korponay Prize from the Hungarian Military Science Society and his short monograph entitled ‘Disaster Management Tasks Due to the Effects of Climate Change and Extreme Weather’ was awarded the Publication Level Award in the category of natural and technical sciences at the National University of Public Service. On November 26, 2021, 2st place in the tender announced by the Scientific Council for Disaster Management in 2021 with the project entitled ‘Investigation, analysis and assessment of the growing tendencies of natural disasters and events from the perspective of disaster management’.

His research interests include disaster management, environmental safety, social aspects of climate change, sustainable development dilemmas, current issues of European Union environmental policy, analysis and evaluation of the probabilities of natural disasters, their damaging effects, flood protection, theory and practical logic system of catastrophe science.


Vásárhelyi Örs – Dobor József – Ambrusz József: IoT as a tool in achieving Disaster Management purposes


József Dobor: Workplace: University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu 


Örs Vásárhelyi is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Doctoral School of Military Engineering faculty of the University of Public Service.He works as an IT Security Consultant at Alverad Technology Focus Kft.Örs Vásárhelyi was born and lives in Budapest. He completed his high school graduation at Vörösmarty Mihály grammar school. Then he was admitted to the University of Public Service, specializing in Disaster Management Industrial Safety. In 2017 he participated in the XXXIII OTDK competition where his work received an award. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree from the university.Following his graduation, he continued his studies at the University of Public Service. However, due to Covid-19, he had to interrupt his education.In the meanwhile, in 2021, he graduated from Mymove Fitness School and has become a sport instructor in bodybuilding and fitness. In 2022, he is obtained a master’s degree in Disaster Management. Also in this year, he got his ISO/IEC: 27001:2013 Lead Auditor certificate.


COL (Fire Service) József Ambrusz, Associate Professor of the Institute of Disaster Management, University of Public Service, Acting Head of the Department of Disaster Management Operations. His studies are diverse, in 1993, he graduated from the Lajos Kossuth Military Academy with a degree in border guarding and boarding school pedagogy. In 1997, he obtained a certified degree in human resource management at the Budapest University of Economics.  In 2014, he received a certified MSc degree in Defence Administration Manager at the University of Public Service. In 2019, he obtained a PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering, University of Public Service with his thesis titled “Elimination of the Consequences of Disasters and the Possible Solutions of the Management, Command and Control of Engineering Tasks of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction”.



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