
3rd ISCFEDM – Section B, Fire Protection

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This page contains the presentations of Section B of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2023. (Az oldal a III. Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1
Chair: Mariusz Feltynowski | Co-chair: Érces Gergő
Subsection 2
Chair: Takács Lajos | Co-chair: Hesz József


Subsection 3
Chair: Linda Makovicka Osvaldova  | Co-chair: László Teknős


Bodnár László: New challenge of wildfires in Hungary Fires at Wildland - urban Interface

  László Bodnár was born on 31 of January 1992 in Budapest. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and in 2016 the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service and defended his thesis in 2021. He is currently an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. His research topics are wildfires, firefighting and fires at Wildland-urban interface. 


Edelmann Dóra: The significance of John von Neumann's theories in contemporary fire protection


name: Edelmann, Dóra
affiliation: Óbudai University - Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences
research area: mass movements, crowd motion models, mass safety
education:Fire Protection Engineer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
MsC Civil Engineer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
occupation: engineering and technical consulting, interior design
community engagement: volunteer, Hungarian Red Cross


Érces Gergő - Rácz Sándor - Vass Gyula - Varga Ferenc: Robustness of the fire safety network in buildings

  Dipl. eng. Gergő Érces, PhD., architect, fire protection engineer, University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management, associate professor.
After obtaining an MSc degree in architecture from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2009, he received a fire protection engineering certificate in 2011 at the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture of Szent István University. In the field of technical sciences, he obtained a PhD academic degree in 2019 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service.
His career started as a professional firefighter at the Budapest Fire Department in 2010, where he worked in the field of fire investigation, and from 2012 he worked at the Capital Disaster Management Directorate in the field of fire prevention. Since 2017 he has been a lecturer in fire prevention courses at the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management of the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. At the university, he works as a research engineer in the field of disaster management and fire prevention.
  Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.
  Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission. 
  Fire brigadier General, Ferenc Varga PhD, Fire protection engineer, associate professor. Head of the Institute of Disaster Management of Faculty of Law Enforcement, University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He holds a PhD degree in Military Engineering from the University of Public Service (2019). His research interests are in the field of disaster management and fire protection. Since 1986, he provided various management positions at the Budapest Directorate of Disaster Management. Since 2023, he has been the head of the Institute of Disaster Management (UPS). He has several decades of experience in management, having previously headed the Budapest Disaster Management Directorate. His current research field is military engineering. He is the author of numerous scientific publications


Fodor Máté - Rácz Sándor: The status and potential for improvement of on-scene first aid skills of intervention firefighters and the importance of disaster medic training

  Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.
  Máté Fodor was born on 13 December 1990 in Salgótarján. He joined the Salgótarján Fire Brigade in 2013 as a firefighter. He started his studies at the University of Public Service in 2020, BA in Disaster Management, specializing in Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. Currently, he is the Operations Control Officer of the Nógrád County Operations Management. His main topic is the situation of the first-aid skills of firefighters in the operational area and the possibilities of its improvement.
Orcid: 0009-0008-9404-9441


Hodálik Marek - Kačíková Danica - Pántya Péter – Rácz Sándor - Érces Gergő: Gasoline as a fire accelerator – weathering process of residues

  Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.
  Dipl. eng. Gergő Érces, PhD., architect, fire protection engineer, University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management, associate professor.
After obtaining an MSc degree in architecture from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2009, he received a fire protection engineering certificate in 2011 at the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture of Szent István University. In the field of technical sciences, he obtained a PhD academic degree in 2019 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service.
His career started as a professional firefighter at the Budapest Fire Department in 2010, where he worked in the field of fire investigation, and from 2012 he worked at the Capital Disaster Management Directorate in the field of fire prevention. Since 2017 he has been a lecturer in fire prevention courses at the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management of the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. At the university, he works as a research engineer in the field of disaster management and fire prevention.
  Marek Hodálik began his higher education in 2015 at the Technical University in Zvolen at the  Department of Fire Protection (BSc. degree topic - forest fires). 
In 2020 he obtained an MSc. degree in fire safety sciences at the Department of Fire Protection (MSc. degree topic - arson fires).
He has begun PhD. Studies in 2020 at the Technical University in Zvolen (PhD. Topic: Application of progressive laboratory method for determination of fire accelerators).
His main research topics are changes in fire technical parameters by progressive analytical forensic methods, fire investigation, generation and spread of smoke during fires, fire chemistry.
He has certificates and courses:  Fire protection technician, civil protection technician, advanced first aid course.
He is currently a full-time doctoral student at the Department of Fire Protection.

She finished her Associate professor studies in 2001 at the Technical University in Zvolen in Wood Sctructure and Properties.
She became a professor in 2014 at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in Occupational Safety and Health.
Her main research topics are study of changes in fire parameters using progressive analytical and testing methods; contribution of lignocellulosic materials and products to the development of fire; wood fire retardants based on natural compounds and nanoparticles and etc.
She is currently a professor and a head of the Department of Fire Protection, Head of department of Office for Development, Head of Department for theInternal System of Quality Assurance of Higher Education at TU in Zvolen.
She is currently also a vice-rector at the Technical University in Zvolen.


Holczer Kristóf – Pántya Péter – Jambrik Rudolf: Investigation of firefighting interventions, techniques and saving of museum values in the event of fires in cathedral and church buildings. In the crosshairs: the fire at Notre-Dame

  Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.
  Name: Gyula Kristóf Holczer
Affiliation: Firefighter – Győr Fire Department
Firefighter since 2018, He started his university studies in 2020 at the University of Public Service, majoring in Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management.
E-mail: holczer9797@gmail.com 

Rudolf Jambrik – Ret. Firefighter Colonel
E-mail: jambrikr@gmail.com
Professional firefighter between 1976 and 2019.
BM TTK (Firefighting and Damage Prevention) - Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College in Szeged, Pedagogy
Firefighter until 2009 (85-2009 Firefighting Group)2009 Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport Fire Department - Branch Manager


Lőrincz Levente: Household fires and their prevention


My name is Lőrincz Levente Zoltán.I was born in 2000 in Tolna County. I am currently a second-year student at the National University of Public Service, specializing in industrial security. I decided on my own to work in the field of disaster management, there was no example in my family before that someone chose the life in uniform. As soon as I got here and started my studies, I wanted to apply as soon as possible to a local volunteer fire brigade, because that's what I'm really interested in and that's what really made me choose it. I really enjoy spending my time with the fire brigade and working with them on different incidents. It gives me a lot of inspiration for my plans.


Tlou Raphela: Fire safety management in the artificial intelligence era in developing countries


Name:  Tlou Raphela
Position: Lecturer (The University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa)
Qualification: PhD

Research interest
I am a socio-ecological scientist, with an interest in how the social issues interface with the environment holistically. I developed an interest in human-wildlife conflict because I believe human and animals can live together in harmony . Since joining the UFS, and teaching the mental Disaster Mental Health ; Public and mental  health modules, I developed a strong interest in the Psychosocial impacts of disasters and will be focusing my research and creating a niche around that. 
I hold a PhD in Conservation Ecology Specialising in Zoology from the University of the Witwatersrand, my Msc is  in social Sciences specialising in Disaster Management  from the University of the Free State. My undergraduate Bsc degree (obtained with 10 distinctions) with majors in Zoology and Botany is from the University of South Africa. My PhD research focused on the impact of crop raiding on subsistence farming community adjacent protected area in the rural South African community. My areas of interest include conservation biology, biodiversity, I am more of an Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences person, leaning more to animals (human and non-humans). I am also interested in Risk Reduction, impact studies to understand socio-environmental problems and Biological invasion. 


Hozer Benjamin – Kátai-Urbán Lajos – Kirovné rácz Réka Magdolna – Varga Ferenc: Fire hazard risks at municipal landfill sites

  Benjámin Hózer (1991): Started his carrer as a volunteer fireman, back in 2013. Served as a volunteer fireman in Pest County and completed the volunteer squad leader course in 2014. Later graduated in a ’Hazardous Industrial Safety Administrator’ course and a ’Fire Safety Coordinator’ course also. Started the bachelor’s degree in 2016 at UPS as disaster manager in industrial safety specialisation. Graduated in 2019 at Ba. and started Ma. course in the same year. Started Doctoral School of Military Engineering in 2021. Part-time lecturer since 2022. Private collector since 2013. Also doing work in fire history research, publication and exhibitions.
  Ing. Dr. jur. Lajos, Kátai-Urbán PhD. (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He participated in the establishment of the Hungarian fire protection engineering higher education system. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a PhD degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.
Dr. Réka Magdolna, Rácz PhD.: She is a lecturer at University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Disaster Management Operations.
Her studies: 
- Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University, defense administrative manager (2008), 
- Doktoral School of Military Science (2015).
Her research areas: extreme weather events, climate change, disaster management tasks of the local governments.

Dr. Ferenc, Varga PhD.: fire brigadier general, fire protection engineer, associate professor. He has several decades of experience in disaster management and fire protection, having previously headed the Budapest Disaster Management Directorate. Since 2023, he has been the Head of the Institute of Disaster Management of Faculty of Law Enforcement, University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He holds a PhD degree in Military Engineering from the University of Public Service (2019). His research interest is the development of voluntary fire brigades and application of fire protection organisations.



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