
ISCFEDM – Section E, Safety and security

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This page contains the presentations of Section E of the International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2021. (Az oldal a Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1

Ambrusz, J-Kiss, A: Scientific research difficulties of post-earthquake rehabilitations

Piwowarski, J.: Security environment – theoretical model in Polish security sciences

Hornyacsek, J., Kovács, G.: Application possibilities of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the training of defense professionals

Serfőző,K-Pátzay Gy-Dobor J: Disaster management representation and summary of the most important elements, controllers, systems and devices required for the operational safety of a fictitious hazardous plant



Subsection 2

Barina, B-Dobor, J: Characterization, use and hazards of chemicals with dangerous properties that may occur in nuclear power plants

Kiss, N-Dobor, J: Summary, characterization, potential hazards of radioactive isotopes, which are most often used in industry and healthcare

Kiss, A-Varga, O-Bekő, L: Detection of post-earthquake building damages in Zagreb based on Sentinel-1 radar data

Patai G- Rácz S: Accidents in case of prison transport at penal institutions from the perspective of firefighters



Subsection 3

Berta, K: Involvement of animal rescue organizations in disasters

I. Gabrielawicz, P. Krupa, P. Pantya: Safety management in terms of the level of safety culture in uniformed services

Tandlich, R: A Brief Introduction to TIEMS International Certification - TQC

Petretei D: Victim identification after the Hableány disaster



Subsection 4


M. Laban, V. Milanko, V. Radonjanin, S. Draganić: Knowledge FOr Resilent SoCiety

S. Shariphanov, T. Shahuov, Assan Zhaulybayev: The composition of the human capacity flow and Mosque for safety assessment of escape

L. Manga, L. KÁTAI-URBÁN, J. Solymosi: Radiation protection devices for nuclear emergency preparedness



Subsection 1

Kiss, A. – Ambrusz, J.: Scientific research difficulties of post-earthquake rehabilitations

Abstract: The elimination of the consequences of earthquakes fundamentally differentiates the research of the rehabilitation process depending on the damage that has occurred and the actual value of the rehabilitation. The estimated damage values of the recent earthquakes in Croatia, as well as the built environmental aspects of the actual rehabilitation and reconstruction, also influence the process of performance comparisons and best practice analyses. The authors of the study, in relation to their research areas, are looking for optimized procedures in relation to development opportunities.

Key words: rehabilitation, damage value, earthquake, benchlearning

Alida Kiss (Ph.D.) - Her main research field is analysing assessment methods for post-disaster-recoveries. She earned her Ph.D. in 2020. As an assistant research fellow at University of Debrecen, Remote Sensing Centre, her main tasks are participating in Research and Development projects in remote sensing topics, implementing management tasks connected to research activities in remote sensing topics, tendering at national and international levels and writing scientific papers at national and international levels.




József Ambrusz (PhD) - COL (Fire Service) József Ambrusz, Assistant Professor of the Institute of Disaster Management, University of Public Service, Acting Head of the Department of Disaster Management Operations. His studies are diverse, in 1993, he graduated from the Lajos Kossuth Military Academy with a degree in border guarding and boarding school pedagogy. In 1997, he obtained a certified degree in human resource management at the Budapest University of Economics. In 2014, he received a certified MSc degree in Defence Administration Manager at the University of Public Service. In 2019, he obtained a PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering, University of Public Service with his thesis titled “Elimination of the Consequences of Disasters and the Possible Solutions of the Management, Command and Control of Engineering Tasks of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction”.

Piwowarski, J.: Security environment – theoretical model in Polish security sciences

Abstract: Security sciences in not exactly the same as security studies. The author deals with the social phenomenon of the security culture and with theory of security sciences. The goal of the security is to be more appreciated value in the area of the so-called risk societies. Researchers should have deal with threats in connection with the pressure of time and stress.

Juliusz Piwowarski, founder and rector of the College of Public and Individual Security "Apeiron" in Krakow, founder of the Cracow Research Institute for Security and Defense Skills Apeiron. In the years 1974–1978 he was a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology. He interrupted his studies to pursue professional martial arts training and studies in sports theory and philosophy at Medicina Alternativa University in Sri Lanka, by the cooperation resulted in a doctorate in philosophy (2004). He graduated in 2004 in political science at the Pedagogical University in Krakow. He obtained a master's degree, and the title of his master's thesis was "Political, social and historical contexts of terrorism". In 2009, at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University, he obtained a doctorate in humanities in religious studies. His doctoral thesis concerned the issues of the philosophy of security contained in the religious and social tradition of the Bushidō samurai code. Research in this area is still continued by him and now concerns the culture of security as a social phenomenon. In 2017, the Council of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce adopted a resolution to grant him the academic degree of habilitated doctor. The book "Transdyscyplinary essence of the culture of national security" and other scientific and research achievements were indicated as the basis for awarding the degree. In 2005, together with his wife - Barbara Piwowarska – founded the College of Public and Individual Security "Apeiron" in Krakow.

Hornyacsek, J., Kovács, G.: Application possibilities of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the training of defense professionals

Asbtract: Today, we are hearing more and more about the challenges that await us in the next decade. Natural disasters, migration, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the accelerated world, and everyday life, which are being digitised at a tremendous rate, create a changing environment in which resilience to dangers is a prerequisite for survival. The effectiveness of the defence activity depends to a large extent on the preparedness of the executive staff, the techniques and tools used. Recent technical developments, in particular the rise of digital tools, are also creating new opportunities in the defence sphere. The authors   examined the traditional and digital types of defence tools used, examined the education and training and preparation systems that mediate defence knowledge. Research into new methods and forms of education that meet new challenges and target groups to be prepared. Within the digital devices group, the use of AR/VR devices offers new possibilities. In this presentation, the  authors examine how AR/VR devices can be used in the defence sphere to support modern AR/VR digital devices, as well as modern training methods and decision support mechanisms. And the advantages and disadvantages of using these AR/VR devices.

Keywords: Defense sphere, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Digitalization

Lt. Col. Julia Hornyacsek, an associate professor in the Department of Military Leadership And Public Knowledge at the University of Public Service. She gained her professional experience in the field of civil protection in population preparation and disaster eradication coordination. For her teaching activities, she conducted scientific research on the protection of the population and increasing the resilience of the population. In particular, it analyses the tasks of carrying out rescue tasks, supporting them and preparing the personnel of defence organisations. In this context, the co-author, Gergely Kovács, a doctoral student, is looking for the possibilities of state-of-the-art IT tools for environmentally conscious preparation, efficient rescue and technical support.


Gergely Kovács is a doctoral student at the University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Engineering. Over the past year, he has gained professional experience with several development companies, in the areas of digital transformation, virtual reality and augmented reality solutions and developments. He currently coordinates AR/VR developments as a consultant for several public investments. The University explores the possibilities of using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the defense sphere, and within its research it specifically looks at the advantages and disadvantages of devices used in the AR/VR field.

Serfőző,K-Pátzay Gy-Dobor J: Disaster management representation and summary of the most important elements, controllers, systems and devices required for the operational safety of a fictitious hazardous plant

Abstract: Due to their activities (transportation, manufacturing, warehousing) and the substances they use (raw materials, indirect materials, finished products), plants handling dangerous substances pose constant risk to the constructed and natural environment, and particularly to air, soil and the surrounding population. During the operation of the plants, such risks need to be analyzed on an ongoing basis, as environmental hazard may increase as a result of substance releases, equipment malfunctions or incorrectly performed maintenance activities. Environmental impacts of hazardous facilities can be effectively reduced by using the various elements of the Safety Management System.

Kálmán Serfőző is a second-year PhD. student at the National University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Sciences. His research field is Disaster Management, the main research topic is Research on methods and tools for reducing the environmental impact of industrially hazardous plants and facilities. He got his bachelor’s degree at the University of Public Service (Budapest, Hungary), specialization in Defence Administration, and Master of Science degree at the University of Miskolc (Miskolc, Hungary) as a Mining and Geotechnical Engineer. At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest, Hungary) he has been awarded the professional qualification of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist. He has several years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry as a safety expert. 

József Dobor is an associate professorat the University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu 

György Pátzay is a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) Department of Chemical Technology and National University of Public Administration, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Studies, degrees: 1995 chemical engineering, PhD, 2014 military engineering, habilitation. University Professor till 2015, Emeritus Professor till 2020. Research areas: chemical technology, chemistry, industrial safety, environmental protection, radiation protection, radiological waste. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: patzay.gyorgy@uni-nke.hu

Subsection 2

Barina, B-Dobor, J: Characterization, use and hazards of chemicals with dangerous properties that may occur in nuclear power plants

Abstract: The most significant part of the chemical use of a nuclear power plant is required for the preparation of additional feed water, which is required for the water-steam cycle, this technology requires hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, ferrous sulphate, sulphuric acid, calcium hydroxide, and brine. The amount of chemicals used is influenced by the amount of make-up water required by the power units and the salinity of the Danube water.

Additional chemicals are used for adjusting the chemical parameters of primary and secondary circuit water (ammonium hydroxide, hydrazine), for preservation during unit downtimes (acetic acid, rofamine), and for the regeneration of primary and secondary circuit ion exchange resins (nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide). There are specific reasons for the day-to-day use of chemicals with hazardous properties in a nuclear power plant, they are essential. Working with these materials requires serious preparation and attention. There are Mobile Laboratories for Disaster Management in every county of Hungary, which provide effective support at salving complex damage event’s. The continuous development of the primary intervention team’s is a serious challenge. The aim of the authors is to further research this topic and report on its results in publications!

József Balázs Barina was born on 3 of November 1983. He lives in Tolna. He has been working as a firefighter since 2010 in the nuclear power plant in Hungary. During his service, he completed mandatory power plant courses and apart of them he acquired the Bsc degree in Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management at the University of Public Service. He also completed the University's Master's Degree in Disaster Management. Thanks to his studies, he has been in the position of officer for the third year. As a unit leader, he considers the effective protection of the lives and health of the first responders to be his primary objective. In order to expand his knowledge, he would like to apply for a PhD at the University of Public Service.




József Dobor is an associate professorat the University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu 

Kiss, N-Dobor, J: Summary, characterization, potential hazards of radioactive isotopes, which are most often used in industry and healthcare

The purpose of the poster was to give a short professional presentation of the most commonly used radioactive isotopes. Its two largest users are healthcare and industry. It can be somewhat contradictory that these radioactive isotopes can cause extremely severe damage to the human body without control. However, they are practically indispensable for various processes nowadays.  In Hungary, due to strict regulations, damage events related to radioactive isotopes are relatively rare. The use of radioactive isotopes has been ongoing in most countries on earth since the early decades of the 1900s.

The number of radioactive isotopes is approximately above 2,000, a significant part of which can be characterized for practical use. An additional aim of the authors is to research this topic. Case study of disaster management in some case studies of some typical European damage events in order to learn lessons. In Hungary, the Seven Disaster Management Radiation Detection Units carry out the detection and assistance in response, thus reducing the escalation of the event and its negative impact on the population.

Noémi Kiss is 22 years old, studying at the University of Public Service majoring at disaster management. Currently she is in her third year, specializing in industrial safety. She will get her university degree in this year. She applied for Master’s degree, as she wants to continue her studies there in the future.






József Dobor is an associate professorat the University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu 

Kiss, A-Varga, O-Bekő, L: Detection of post-earthquake building damages in Zagreb based on Sentinel-1 radar data

Abstract: On this poster we summarize our GIS analysis results in connection with the earthquake in Zagreb in 2020. According to Markusic – Herak (1999) the Zagreb epicenter area is the most active one in the continental part of Croatia. The return period of a magnitude 6 earthquake is expected to be 150 years (Lokmer et al, 2002). Most of the earthquake damage in Zagreb was suffered by the housing sector (64%), followed by the culture and cultural heritage sector, including historical government buildings (13%), education (10%), health (8%), and business (5%). As a response, the Croatian Government activated a Copernicus task to support the damage assessment process and the monitoring process of building recovery. By this analogy, we tried to detect the building damages in the area of Zagreb’s city centre, using free satellite radar (Sentinel-1) data to testing its applicability.

Orsolya Varga (Ph.D.) has been a Lead Researcher of Envirosense Hungary Ltd. since 2017, participating the daily work of the satellite division of the company. She has graduated at the University of Debrecen, Hungary in 2014 with a Master Degree in Geoinformatics, then earned a PhD certificate in 2020. Her PhD research focused on land change analysis based on remotely sensed data and the validation practices of land change models. During her daily work, her research field is the processing and application of multispectral satellite images. She also deals with the analysis of further opportunities in satellite imagery in various fields, with a special interest a wide range of change analysis methods.


László Bekő's main research field is developing methodologies for hyperspectral and LiDAR data process. As an assistant research fellow at University of Debrecen, Remote Sensing Centre, his main tasks are developing GIS data processing methods, planning and implementing ground-based measurement campaigns connected to remote sensing projects, participating in Research and Development projects in remote sensing topics, writing scientific papers at national and international levels.



Alida Kiss (Ph.D.) - Her main research field is analysing assessment methods for post-disaster-recoveries. She earned her Ph.D. in 2020. As an assistant research fellow at University of Debrecen, Remote Sensing Centre, her main tasks are participating in Research and Development projects in remote sensing topics, implementing management tasks connected to research activities in remote sensing topics, tendering at national and international levels and writing scientific papers at national and international levels.

Patai G- Rácz S: Accidents in case of prison transport at penal institutions from the perspective of firefighters

Abstract: The increase in the number of vehicles in Hungary also attracts the increase of the related accidents. Fire departments are responsible for the elimination of these accidents. Firefighters need to be prepared for more effective and safer intervention, which must be constantly extended in line with technical progress. In addition to the technical progress, special situations can also be a problem. Accidents involving prison transport have a higher safety risk to the firefighters that the other road accidents. The quick, efficient and safe elimination of accidents requires proper preparation of the interveners, so the expansion of their theoretical and practical knowledge, and the development of their methodology is also important.

Gábor Patai was born on 31 of May 1976 in Kiskunhalas. In 2009 he became a professional firefighter in Kiskunhalas. He has continuously extended his knowledge in the last 12 years. In 2013 he qualified as a crew manager. Now he is a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, specialization for Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. In his opinion, firefighting is a profession whereby we have to constantly learn, as we are always in situations where the best decision has to be made at moment.

Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.

Subsection 3

Berta, K: Involvement of animal rescue organizations in disasters

Absract: It is a social need to protect animals in the XXI. Century. In my research, I examine the relationship between civil animal rescuers and Disaster Management. Animal rescue is a technical rescue, so it is a duty of Disaster Management. Act No. CXXVIII. of 2011 allow the Rescue Manager to involve voluntary organizations in disasters, and to consider rescuing animals, when the absence of intervention causes the death of the animals. My experience in this direction shows, the animal rescue organizations have such a specialized knowledge and tools, that the integration of these organizations in to  the education would be timely, all so in the rescue and alarm order. I present and prove through my own experiences in such cases.

Katalin Berta is a PhD student at the University of Public Service. She has graduate the BsC and also MsC degree as civilian student. Her research topic is the relationship between volunteer animal rescue and Disaster Management, she examines this topic in a different approach. She has several animal rescues behind her, including floods, red sludge, but also she rescued animal from metro lines, and from buildings. In recent years, she has been specifically working on rescue wild animals, especially wild birds. During her rescue work, she became increasingly convinced, the animal rescue should take place within an organized framework. That was confirmed by her studies, as animal rescue is a part of technical rescue, and this is the duty of Disaster Management. In her research, she examines the network of contacts and propose to improve the cooperation – for the benefit of all of us.

I. Gabrielawicz, P. Krupa, P. Pantya: Safety management in terms of the level of safety culture in uniformed services

Abstract: The presentation describes the results of a research on safety climate level in an Army Unit located on the territory of Poland. The research has been carried out with the use of author’s questionnaire to measure safety climate level. The results are presented by the means of Safety Culture Grid and there have been determined safety level indicators in various companies. The questions in the questionnaire are characterized by firm connection to designate of high safety culture. The results of the survey can be used to diagnose safety state in the context of human behaviour. Detailed analysis of the results allows to pinpoint weak and strong aspects of work safety. This enables one to undertake preventive and (or) repair actions adjusted to specific areas and worker groups.

Izabela Gabryelewicz is a graduate of the Zielona Góra University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. She obtained PhD degree in machine construction and operation at the University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. She also graduated from the Pedagogical Study and postgraduate studies – Occupational Safety and Health. Twice she was an assistant promoter in the PhD courses completed in 2015 (Poznan University of Technology) and 2018 (University of Zielona Góra). In 2016 and 2017 she received the Team Award of the First Degree of the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra for her scientific achievements. Currently she is employed at the University of Zielona Góra at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of Material and Biomedical Engineering.


Patryk Krupa is a graduate of the Zielona Góra University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his PhD degree in Production Engineering at the University of Zielona Góra. Currently, he is employed at the University of Zielona Góra at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of Material and Biomedical Engineering. Main areas of scientific interest: work safety, work safety culture, ergonomics in shaping working conditions, analysis of threats in the work environment, safety of work in the technology of works under voltage.  Interests: safety culture, Internet technologies, ergonomic design



Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.

Tandlich, R: A Brief Introduction to TIEMS International Certification - TQC

Abstract: With an increasing number of disasters worldwide, resulting in more international collaboration and support to disaster stricken areas, the need for the more education and training in the international emergency and disaster management seems evident. TIEMS believes that it is important to raise the awareness of the competencies needed in emergency and disaster management, and to support those participating in these activities and operations in acquiring those competencies. This is TIEMS motivation for launching.

Roman Tandlich is TIEMS Regional Director for Africa. Roman Tandlich, has been working in the field of emergency and disaster management since 2011. With background in biotechnology, Dr. Tandlich got involved in the development of low-cost and decentralised sanitation technologies. During the rollout of one such technology, policy and technical skills shortages at local government level. This resulted in the shift of focus of Dr. Tandlich's research towards disaster management approaches towards shift action to address water, sanitation and hygiene challenges in developing countries. This has led to the development of new teaching and research tools to deal with public health, disaster risk reduction and Development. Roman is originally from Slovakia where he completed his education up to Masters level. This occurred in 1998 and his background was originally in Biotechnology. He then continued on to complete his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at North Dakota State University in Fargo, USA. After two postdoctoral fellowships, Roman joined the Faculty of Pharmacy at Rhodes University in South Africa in 2008. He has been with the same department since then and has recently been promoted there to the rank of Associate Professor. He has expertise in public health, water and sanitation and Disaster ethics

Petretei D: Victim identification after the Hableány disaster

In 05. 29. 2019., Budapest, Hungary, the Hableany, a Moskvich-class sightseeing cruise was collided from behind by a twenty-five-times bigger long ship, MV Viking Sigyn. The Hableany (a Hungarian word for Mermaid) capsized and sank in seven seconds. The sightseeing cruise had 35 South Korean citizen tourists as passengers and 2 Hungarian crew members. Seven people were rescued some minutes after the accident and eight dead bodies were found till the morning. In the next weeks, all but one body were found, one South Korean female passenger is still missing.

Police major David Petretei is an assistant professor of the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Department of Investigation Theory. Formerly he had been working as a crime scene investigator, between 2006 and 2018. He is an expert on latent prints, a founding member of the Ridgeology Sub-Working Group of the Interpol Disaster Victim Identification Working Group. Trained in DVI and DVI Management as well. Played important role in the establishment of the Hungarian DVI team. Held presentations in front of the Interpol and international conferences.

Subsection 4

M. Laban, V. Milanko, V. Radonjanin, S. Draganić: Knowledge FOr Resilent SoCiety

Abstract: In recent years the number and severity of natural and man-made disasters, as well as fires, has significantly increased. Education in Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety field in Western Balkan countries should provide national highly skilled professional resources and regional capacity for resilient society. The aim was to build regional-based disaster preparedness and a culture of safety and resilience at all levels according to EU Integration Strategies and National relevant strategies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Project Knowledge FOr Resilient society – K-FORCE was selected for funding under ERASMUS+ programme Capacity Building in Higher Education – EAC/A04/2015. The paper presents the project results.

Dr. Sc. Mirjana Laban, Associate professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty if Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia. Assistant Director for Science at Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Head of Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Studies. Mirjana Laban has interdisciplinary approach in identifying and solving the problems and management skills origin from diversity in education and practice. She was involved in science and research during the first part of the carrier parallel with responsible working positions outside academia. Additionally, she has obtained the Certificate on professional training in the field of fire protection.  Since defended the doctoral thesis, she is employed and engaged in research and education at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Also, she was one of the founders and creators of Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety studies at all three Bologna levels (started in 2011) and the first one to be elected in that new scientific area at UNS. This background gave her the experience in gathering multidisciplinary teams for common goal. Building and environment may be considered as the subject of her constant interest in research and education with over 150 research papers published showing the development in this area – from Civil Engineering, Architecture, through Environmental Protection, Fire Protection to Risk Analysis and Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety. 

S. Shariphanov, T. Shahuov, Assan Zhaulybayev: The composition of the human capacity flow and Mosque for safety assessment of escape

L. Manga, L. KÁTAI-URBÁN, J. Solymosi: Radiation protection devices for nuclear emergency preparedness

Abstract: In the event of a nuclear accident, the availability of radiation protection data is crucial. These data influence interventions, thus protecting the environment and the population. There are several methods available today. There may be different considerations when choosing these methods. Consideration is speed, accuracy, safety or a combination of these. The importance of these is supported by previous accidents such as Chernobyl or Fukushima. Had these methods been available at a given place and time, the damage to the environment and the population could presumably have been reduced. These methods are described below. With a rational combination of these methods, a possible accident situation can be successfully mitigated or eliminated.

Keywords: nuclear accident, radiation protection, detection methods, radiation measuring devices, protection of the population and the environment

László Manga graduated as an environmental engineer from the University of Veszprém. He works as a head organizer at the Department of Emergency Preparedness and Response of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. Before that, he worked in a radiation protection area. For 15 years he was the head of the environmental monitoring laboratory of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. He is a doctoral candidate at the National Civil Service University. His field of research: Development of research methods for assessing the environmental radiation situation after a serious nuclear accident.

Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Jozsef Solymosi is in a position of Professor Emeritus, Colonel (Ret.) at the National University of Public Service, Institute for Disaster Management and owner of the Somos Environmental Protection Ltd. Currently he is the Co-Director of PhD Institute for Military Technology University of Public Service since 2013 and Chairman, Certification Committee of the Independent Technological Experts of Atomic Energy Authority in Hungary since 2020. Graduated M.Sc. Chemistry at University of Chemistry, Department of Automation, Moscow (1966), M.Sc. Radiochemistry at Budapest University of Technology (1973), Ph.D. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (1983), D.Sc. at Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (1992). He is the Professor and Supervisor of 15 PhD students, research in nuclear security thesis. Jozsef Solymosi has contributed to a number of publications on nuclear safety and security, preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergencies, nuclear environmental protection, nuclear and radioactive waste management, security assessment of nuclear and isotope-application facilities, radiation protection, disaster management. 





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