
ISCFEDM – Section D, Disaster management

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This page contains the presentations of Section D of the International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2021. (Az oldal a Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1

Árpád Muhoray: 20 years of Hungarian Disaster Management

Török Z,-Ozunu A-Malos, C-Radovici, A: Natech Risk at Romanian Seveso establishments and industrial parks

Almási Cs,-Vass, Gy-Kátai-Urbán, L: Transport of materials belonging to ADR Class 3 with agricultural tractor in Hungary

Monosi, M-Flachbart J: Drone application in extreme conditions



Subsection 2

Petrányi, J- Zsitnyányi A-Vass Gy-Kátai-Urbán L: New capabilities in the Hungarian Radiation Early Warning and Monitoring System

Alhosban, A-Bodnár,L: The Adopted Approach to the disaster management of Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan /role of the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM)

Nemes, D.: Case Study of Drone Applications Supporting Preventive Flood Management in the Rakaca Water Reservoir

Shwababa, S.: Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in the midst of the Covid -19 Pandemic 



Subsection 3

H. Horváth, L. Kátai-Urbán, Gy. Vass: Investigation of fire safety aspects of dangerous goods shipments

Kirovné Rácz, R.: The Correlation of Climate Change and the Disasters due to Precipitation in Hungary

Castro, B: Chile disaster management

Kirovné Rácz, R.: Drought and Desertification as a Disaster



Subsection 4

Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N-Dobor, J-Pátzay, Gy: Demonstration of hazardous soil contaminants from a disaster management perspective

Kátai-Urbán, L-Cimer, Zs-Berger, Á: Remediation board versus protetctive ring

Ncube, A., JJ. Ndovella: Resilience mechanisms displayed by informal settlement dwellers towards shack fires in South Africa

Teknős, L.: Analysis of evaluation of the relation between agriculture and Disaster Management



Subsection 5

Kátai-Urbán L., Zs. Cimer, Z. Cséplő, Gy. Vass: Examination of the technical competencies required to fulfill the industrial safety responsibilities

Hetkämper, C: How to locate central service points for emergency services?

Parrag, T-Kátai-Urbán,L-Cimer, Zs: Environmental safety effects of micropollutants and microplastic

Kugler Zs: Activity of the Knowledge Centre for Water Sciences and Disaster Prevention



Subsection 1

Árpád Muhoray: 20 years of Hungarian Disaster Management

Abstract: The presentation shows the direction and organization of disaster protection and the tasks of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management. The Act No. LXXIV. Of 1999 on the „Direction and Organisation of Disaster Protection and the Protection Against Serious Accidents Related the Hazardous Materials” entered into force 20 years ago. The establishment of the Act composed the new, modern, applicable Hungarian Disaster Management. In recent years the Disaster Management has been renewed both conceptionally and in relation, has been accessed the European norms. The author intends to address the issue of circumstances of establishment of HDM, and achievements his operations. 

Árpád Muhoray PhD is a retired major general of civil protection, honorary university professor of University of Public Service. He graduated in the Military Academy of Armoured Troops Malinovszkij Rogyion Jakovlevics in former Soviet Union, in Moscow, his university degree is tank engineer. He served 25 years for the Hungarian Army, he was the commander garrison of town Zalaegerszeg. After the Army Mr. Muhoray joined the Hungarian Civil Protection, he was appointed to the county director of HDM in county Zala in 2000. Between 2002 and 2010 he was the Deputy Director General for Emergency Management of NDGDM, and commander of Operational Staff of Governmental Coordination Committee. Between 2010 and 2011 he was the director of Disaster Management Training Centre of NDGDM and in 2012- an assistant university professor of UPS in Institute of Disaster Management. Since 2020 honorary university professor. Mr. Muhoray obtained his PhD degree at the National Defence University in Budapest. He made several researches in the Hungarian Disaster Management on country and county level.

Török Z,-Ozunu A-Malos, C-Radovici, A: Natech Risk at Romanian Seveso establishments and industrial parks

Abstract: In the last decades an increase of the frequency of natural and technological disasters, that threatened population’s life and health and the environment, was noticed. Due to climate change effects, overpopulation and the dynamic behavior of the industrial processes, new hazards and related risks arise, such as the Natech events. Industrial sites in Romania are directly or indirectly exposed to a large range of natural hazards and therefore to Natech events. This study aims to create an inventory of the locations of SEVESO establishments and Industrial Parks in order to identify the degree of their exposure to earthquakes, floods and forest fires, the natural hazards most likely to cause a NaTech accident in Romania. Under these circumstances, the national multi-risk assessment becomes a necessity in order to prioritize those risks that require immediate mitigation measures.

Zoltán Török, 39, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, within Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, chemical engineer and PhD in Chemistry. His research focuses on chemical risk analysis connected with land-use and emergency planning, risks associated with tailings management facilities and disaster risk management. He was member in several national research project and partner leader of 2 international projects, co-author of 33 publications (18 Clarivate Analytics papers and author of one book).


Alexandru Ozunu, Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering within “Babes-Bolyai” University. Since 2017 prof. Ozunu is member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences and starting with 2018 he is affiliated Professor at the University of the Free State, Disaster Management Training and Education Centre for Africa. His most important contribution to research is the development of the field of risk assessment and disaster management in the “Babes-Bolyai” University. He is the coordinator of the Research Institute for Sustainability and Disaster Management Based on High Performance Computing. He is President of the Romanian National Society of Environmental Science and Engineering and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Civil Protection and of the Journal of Environmental Research and Protection – ECOTERRA and co-editor of the Procedia Environmental Science, Engineering and Management Journal. He also founded the Environmental Engineering field of study at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Engineering and the “Risk Assessment and Environmental Safety” and “Sustainable development and Environmental Management” master programmes. He has concentrated his work in some major directions, such as environmental engineering, risk assessment, Natech disaster risk reduction, assessment of hazards and risks in polluting industries, vulnerability assessment and critical infrastructure protection. The outcomes of these research activities were published in more than 180 papers and he has been involved in organising numerous conferences and workshops. He has a broad international experience and throughout his career, has lead several multi-partner research projects at national and European level.

Cristian Valeriu MALOȘ, Phd, Lecturer at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Environmental Science, Babeș-Bolyai University. Cristian V. Maloș joined Babeș-Bolyai University in 2008 and he was appointed lecturer in 2014, doing research on environmental projects, mainly conservation projects, and GIS. He has been involved in more than 25 projects related to GIS, land monitoring and conservation. Some of the responsibilities included the usage of models (GIS coupled) to evaluate water quality and develop land management strategies. At the same time mr. Maloș became familiar with the European legislative system, related to GIS and conservation. After some more years of teaching and researching as part of the Environmental Science and Engineering Faculty at Babes-Bolyai University, he is more involved in the field of GIS and conservation. Currently he teaches GIS and Spatial statistics. Also, he is involved in several research projects focused on ecosystem services and GIS.

Andrei-Titus Radovici, research assistant at Research Institute for Sustainability and Disaster Management Based on High Performance Computing within Babes-Bolyai University. He graduated bachelor and master in Environmental Science and currently PhD student at the Doctoral School of Environmental Science. His field of interest is the critical infrastructure protection and risk management, GIS for environmental studies and remote sensing for atmospheric studies.




Almási Cs,-Vass, Gy-Kátai-Urbán, L: Transport of materials belonging to ADR Class 3 with agricultural tractor in Hungary

Abstract: In 1979, Hungary ratified the European (former worded “European") Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). During the incountry application of the Agreement, it may be necessary to create more detailed rules tailored to the security challenges of the country concerned. Therefore, in 2004, Hungary drafted the first regulation on transport operations with vehicle types not covered by the Agreement, agricultural tractors and slow-moving trailers. The protection of our soil and water assets has a national economic importance, therefore the continuous professional cooperation between authorities and agri-industry operators is necessary.

Key words: ADR, agriculture, carriage of dangerous goods by road, industrial safety

Csaba Almasi was born on 23rd of November 1985 in Kecskemét. He has been working as a CBRN Reconnaissance Officer dealing with administration system of hazardous materials for more than thirteen years ago. He has experience in intervening and investigating needed to be accomplished at accidents occurring in transport or in dangerous establishments and involving dangerous goods and hazardous materials. He also has an experience in authority work supervising of all means of transport carrying dangerous goods (under the regulations of ADR, RID, AND, ICAO, IMDG). Almási has a BSc degree in agriculture engineering and an MA degree in disaster management. He began his PhD studies at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service in 2020, where he is currently an assistant lecturer as well. His research topic is “Investigation Procedure at Road Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods.” The expected time for his thesis defence is spring 2024.

Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission.



Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Monosi, M-Flachbart J: Drone application in extreme conditions

Abstract: The Fire and Rescue Service (F&RC) will upgrade its equipment. Drones quickly and effectively monitor the area of the intervention. F&RC bought two drones from DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Pilots may encounter various undesirable circumstances that affect the functionality of the drone. The main goal of the research was to experimentally test the drone in extreme conditions.

Assoc. Prof. Eng.  Mikulaš Monoši, PhD. - Monoši Mikuláš was born on April 18, 1955, in Bratislava. He graduated from the University of Defence in Brno in 1979 with a degree in mechanical engineering. Then he worked in technical positions at military units in Czechoslovakia. In 1986 he joined the Military Faculty at the University of Transport and Communications in Žilina, Slovakia. He completed his Ph.D. studies in the field of mechanization of transport structures. He obtained the title of associate professor in 1997 in the field of construction machinery and equipment. In his scientific research and professional activity, he deals with the reliability of firefighting equipment, solutions of technical security in crises, multi-criteria evaluation of firefighting equipment, and assessment of forest fire-fighting equipment. He presents the results of creative activity during Erasmus+ mobility at foreign universities and conferences in the Slovak Republic and abroad, e.g. in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

Eng. Jaroslav Flachbart, PhD. - Jaroslav Flachbart was born on April 5th, 1959, in Kremnica, Slovak republic. He graduated the Mining University in Ostrava in 1982 in the field of Fire Protection and Industrial Safety. Subsequently, he worked in technical positions in a gas company in Žilina. In 1986 he became commander of the fire department in the district of Žilina. From 1997 to 2011 he was the director of the fire school in Žilina. He represented the Slovak Republic in the international association of fire schools EU - EFSCA. He completed his PhD studies in 2007. Since 2012 he has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina. In his scientific-research and professional activities, he deals with the issue of education and training of firefighters, teaches the management of rescue services and the theory of investigating the causes of fires. He is the co-author of several simulation devices designed for the training of rescuers.

Subsection 2

Petrányi, J- Zsitnyányi A-Vass Gy-Kátai-Urbán L: New capabilities in the Hungarian Radiation Early Warning and Monitoring System

Abstract: New capabilities in the Hungarian Radiation Early Warning and Monitoring System. The Automated Radiological Industrial Safety Telemetry Network (RTH) part of the Hungarian National Radiation Monitoring, Signalling and Control System operated and maintained by the National Directorate General for Disaster Management has been modernised in recent years. In this modernisation process, 4 online radioactive aerosol and iodine monitors and 30 ambient gamma dose rate and meteorological parameter measuring stations were installed in this network. The unique automatic filter changer capability of the aerosol monitoring station makes it possible to operate the system unattended for at least one year and collect accurate real-time data regarding the current activity concentration of airborne radioactive alpha, beta, gamma active particles. The development of the new generation of the aerosol stations started in 2018 at Gamma Technical Corporation.

János Tamás Petrányi graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with a degree in electrical engineering, and later from the Óbuda University, Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management, expert engineering management. In the course of his work, he received an upper-level degree of radiation protection. He is a radiation protection expert in the field of nuclear energy and a full member of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers as an independent technical expert. He finished his PhD study at the National public service university. He started his professional career at the Technical University of Munich in 2002 as a programmer, and after a stay abroad for almost a year, he worked at GAMMA Technical Corporation as a research and development engineer. He has been working for the same company ever since, in different positions. He served in the positions of technical director, head of the nuclear division and eventually director of R&D.In recognition of his professional work, in 2015 he was elected to the management board of the Radiation Protection Section of the Eötvös Loránd Physical Society. He has been a member of the editorial board of the online magazine "RADIATION PROTECTION" ever since. In 2016, he won the Radiation Protection Award for Excellence. He has been elected to be the congress president of the sixth European International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Congress in 2022.

Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission.

Alhosban, A-Bodnár,L: The Adopted Approach to the disaster management of Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan /role of the National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM)

Abstract: Jordan is a developing country in the Middle East. The country embraced disaster risk reduction (DRR) -as it is a new disaster risk management (DRM) approach- is controlled by establishing and implementing the National Center fro Security and Crisis management (NCSCM). During the research special relevant literature was studied. And correlation with the objectives of such important center duties were presented in this poster. This poster shed the light on the main goals, followed strategies, data analysis and the achievement of NCSCM in terms of disaster risk reduction(DRR), a case study was conducted on its role/approach during the Covid-19 Pandemic and its consequences.

Eng. Ahmad Alhosban is a PhD Candidate at the University of Public Service at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering in Budapest Hungary. His research field is Defence Electronics, Information technology and Communication. His research topic is Impact of GNNS Navigational Errors on the Required Performance of GBAS Approach Service Type D/F (GAST D/F) Landing Systems in CNS/ATM (Air Traffic Management) domain, research area of „use of Outer Space Navigation in Aviation (ATM)”.



László Bodnár was born on 31 of January 1992 in Budapest. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and in 2016 the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He is currently an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He is also a PhD Candidate. His research topic is “research and development of methods to increase the effectiveness of firefighting in case of wildfires.” The expected time for his thesis defence is spring 2021.

Nemes, D.: Case Study of Drone Applications Supporting Preventive Flood Management in the Rakaca Water Reservoir

Abstract: It’s essential to deal with floods, as it is the most common natural hazard. Floods are predictable, but if we talk about fast floods, the situation is not the same. In Hungary, there were a lot of floods in the past. Hungary’s hydrological hazard - due to its geographical location – is the highest on a European scale. Because of its geographical location during the last few years quite a few hydrological cases endangered human lives and material goods. Hungary is catchment area namely, more than 90 per cent of its rivers originate, come from abroad.

Nemes Dávid was born on 21 of October in Debrecen. He began his studies in 2016 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSC degree in disaster management-civil protection in 2019. Now, he is working in Hajdú-Bihar county.  His research topic is:  Case study of Drone Applications Supporting Preventive Flood Management in the Rakaca Water Reservoir.

Shwababa, S.: Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in the midst of the Covid -19 Pandemic 

Abstract: The combination of climate induced disasters with the Covid-19 pandemic can worsen the already strained socio-economic vulnerabilities. This research sought to better understand the global preparedness levels in managing such disasters amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. Through the comparative case study design methodology, the research involved, a careful comparison of data amongst global communities that were directly affected both by the pandemic and impact of climate induced disasters. The study revealed a reduction in disaster preparedness levels throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.      

Dr. Siviwe Shwababa is a qualified environmental scientist who holds a PhD from the University of Free State, in Bloemfontein South Africa. His areas of expertise entail environmental management and governance, improved environmental performance, protection of natural resources, restoration of degraded ecosystems, climate change mitigation and the implementation of disaster risk reduction measures in vulnerable communities. 

His responsibilities involve undertaking specialised work relating to environmental assessment, prioritisation of environmental risk areas, managing disaster risk reduction projects and research. He has further participated meaningfully, in numerous research projects across South Africa and has published disaster risk reduction scholarly articles in Hungary, Portugal and Germany. He is an Associate Researcher at Rhodes University in Makhanda, South Africa.

Subsection 3

H. Horváth, L. Kátai-Urbán, Gy. Vass: Investigation of fire safety aspects of dangerous goods shipments

Abstract: Nowadays the economic operators and the authorities concerned place particular emphasis on compliance with and control of the special rules for the transport of dangerous goods. Knowledge of the rules and regulations relating to flammable dangerous goods is essential for both actors, as a significant proportion of the dangerous goods transported are provided by such goods. In this article, we analyze the groups of flammable dangerous goods, the basic classification rules related to the transport of dangerous goods, and by analyzing international and domestic statistical data, we can see insight into the proportions of transport of flammable substances and the analysis of official control figures.

Keywords: dangerous goods, transportation, flammable, accident, disaster management

Maj. Hermina Horváth is an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service since 2012. She was born on 17 of April 1988 in Szekszárd. She began her studies in 2006 at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration officer and in 2009 the MSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration manager, disaster specialization. She began her PhD studies in 2013 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. Her research topic is emergency planning at railway marshalling yards, and dangerous goods transportation. She is also has a certificate of training as safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterway. In addition she is the secretary at Scientific Students Association at the Faculty of Law Enforcement at UPS. She received the excellent lecturer title of the Institute in 2017.

Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission.


Kirovné Rácz, R.: The Correlation of Climate Change and the Disasters due to Precipitation in Hungary

Abstract: Today, disaster management organizations, beside their traditional duties in fire prevention, civil protection and disaster management have to face serious challenges with special regard to the security and disaster management questions posed by climate change. As a segment of adaptation to the effects of climate change everyone has a role, a right and a responsibility, from citizens, to professional disaster management bodies, to those involved in home security. There is a tendency for the extremity of precipitation to increase. Precipitation is either too much or too little, which can cause both inland water and drought in the same area, in the same year. According to domestic climate change experts, in parallel with the decrease in precipitation, it will be typical that the extremity of precipitation will continue to increase, so the frequency of floods, lightning floods, inland waters and droughts is also expected to increase.

Réka Magdolna Kirovné Dr. Rácz is a lecturer at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Disaster Management Operations. She studied at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University and graduated as a defence administrative manager in 2008. He graduated at the Doctoral School of Military Science in 2015.Her research areas are extreme weather events, climate change, disaster management tasks of the local governments. 

Castro, B: Chile disaster management

ABSTRAC: La Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres de las Naciones Unidas (EIRD/UNISDR), hoy, UNDRR, es una iniciativa de  una larga data, que busca prevenir y mitigar los efectos de las diferentes amenazas, sean estas, de origen natural, como de las antropógenas o provocadas por el hombre y que desde la década de los años 80, se han visto incrementadas en su recurrencia e intensidad por los efectos del cambio climático, provocado, preferentemente por la emisión de los gases de efecto invernadero.

Desde el primer decenio internacional Decenio para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (RRD) del año 1980, que luego daría origen a la Primera Conferencia Mundial de Reducción de Desastres, en la ciudad de Yokohama, Japón, en el año 1985, donde se establecieron diez principios que hasta nuestros días rigen en estas materias, en uno de ellos se señala que, el principal responsable en la reducción de desastres es el Estado.

Hoy, la carta de navegación internacional en RRD, es el Marco de Sendai para la Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres 2015 – 2030, continuador del Marco de Acción de Hyogo 2005 – 2015 y que esta vez, por primera vez, junto al objetivo principal, ha fijado 7 metas, 13 principios y 4 prioridades, que los Estados signatarios, se han comprometido cumplir.

Los efectos del cambio climático y los desastres provocados por el hombre, entre ellos, los incendios forestales, siguen provocando graves daños a las personas, sus bienes, a la propiedad pública y privada, que en definitiva afectan al desarrollo de los pueblos especialmente a los más vulnerables y menos desarrollados.

La primera tarea es dar prioridad a “Comprender el Riesgo” y, de esa manera la UNDRR, nos invita a continuar transitando desde una respuesta eficaz, hacia una prevención eficiente y, tratando de provocar un cambio de paradigma desde la Gestión de los Desastres, hacia la Gestión del Riesgo y entre ellos, los asociados a la ingeniería del fuego, ya que los incendios en general, bien sabemos, arrasan con todo a su paso, provocando graves daños irreparables en las personas, sus bienes y al desarrollo sostenible de los pueblos.

Bernardo Castro Salas, coronel (Retirado) Ejército de Chile, Oficial de Estado Mayor, Licenciado en Ciencias Militares, Magister en Planificación y Gestión Estratégica por la Academia de Guerra del Ejercito, Magister en Educación mención Docencia de Nivel Superior por la Universidad de Los Andes Chile.

Consultor Senior y Experto en Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres Res ONU A71/644 01 dic 2016, fue Punto Focal de la Federación Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Luna Roja y Jefe de Gabinete de la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública (ONEMI).

Autor de varios artículos sobre Reducción y Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres, para la Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (ANEPE) del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, para el Memorial del Ejército de Chile, para el Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Militares (CESIM) para la juna Inter Americana de Defensa, Washington DC y para la Revista Científica LoGer (www.revistaloger.cl) 

Kirovné Rácz, R.: Drought and Desertification as a Disaster

Abstract: In my presentation, I present drought as a disaster related to climate change. I have tried to shed light on the effects of this water scarcity event, which is causing long-term and societal problems. The occurrence of natural disasters is difficult to prevent, given that they are due to the unpredictability or regularities of natural elements, and we need to be much more prepared for them. Reducing the risk of development can be achieved by curbing climate change through global cooperation. It is no coincidence that national disaster risk assessments had to be prepared and updated in the light of climate change on the basis of international conventions, as there is a strong link between climate change and the increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.

Réka Magdolna Kirovné Dr. Rácz is a lecturer at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Disaster Management Operations. She studied at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University and graduated as a defence administrative manager in 2008. He graduated at the Doctoral School of Military Science in 2015.Her research areas are extreme weather events, climate change, disaster management tasks of the local governments. 

Subsection 4

Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N-Dobor, J-Pátzay, Gy: Demonstration of hazardous soil contaminants from a disaster management perspective

Abstract: Contaminants entering the environment pose a serious risk both to humans and the ecosystem. Depending on the specific properties of the soil and the pollutant, contamination may spread into the surface or groundwater. In case of a damage event, risk of contamination spread as well as threat to health and ecology has to be assessed. Harmful substances entering the human body through direct or indirect uptake from soil and water can cause nervous system damage, cancer or even death. Due to the high level of industrial activity, it is important to handle these materials properly and to comply with the relevant safety regulations. Our aim is to present the most common soil contaminants, covering their possible sources and hazards.

Nóra Szűcs-Vásárhelyi graduated from biology-environmental science at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science. After her university years, she started working as an administrative expert in the Department of Soil Mapping and Environmental Informatics of the Institute for Soil Science, Centre for Agricultural Research. In 2019, he successfully applied for the position of young researcher announced by the Department of Soil Chemistry and Turnover on the topic “Agronomic value of sewage sludge and sewage sludge-based materials and environmental risk of micro-pollutants as a function of sludge treatment”. She is currently working as a research assistant, her field of research is the study of the applicability of waste for the purpose of soil improvement and examination of pollutants that have entered the soil during the use of these substances and analysis of environmental risks. Szűcs-Vásárhelyi started her doctoral studies at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training in 2019. In her doctoral research, she deals with the investigation and risk analysis of soil contaminants in military areas.

József Dobor is an associate professorat the University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Education: 2006 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science, MA in Chemistry; 2011 Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, PhD; 2018 University of Public Service, Diploma in Disaster Management, MA. Degrees: 2012, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science; 2018, habil. doc., University of Public Service. Assistant lecturer (2012-2013), senior lecturer (2013-2018), associate professor (2018-). Research areas: chemistry, chemical-biological-radiological damage detection, radiation protection, detection of industrial damage events, industrial safety. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: dobor.jozsef@uni-nke.hu 

György Pátzay is a professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) Department of Chemical Technology and National University of Public Administration, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Industrial Safety. Studies, degrees: 1995 chemical engineering, PhD, 2014 military engineering, habilitation. University Professor till 2015, Emeritus Professor till 2020. Research areas: chemical technology, chemistry, industrial safety, environmental protection, radiation protection, radiological waste. Address: Hungary, 1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11. Nationality: Hungarian, Email: patzay.gyorgy@uni-nke.hu

Kátai-Urbán, L-Cimer, Zs-Berger, Á: Remediation board versus protetctive ring

Abstract: Different containers are being used in the industry to store hazardous liquids that vary in shape, size, and dimensions. The damage to the storage tanks may result in leakages, fires, or explosions. Injury can be caused by, fatigue, human negligence (25.03.2010. MOL Csepel Base station, Hungary), terrorism (21.01.2016. Ras Lanauf, Libya), or an environmental impact (03.06.2008. Magellan Terminal, Kansas City, USA). In this case, the hazardous material starts leaking, depending on the extent of the damage, furthermore a container fire will develop in the presence of an ignition source. A receiving space is established around the tank in order to control the leakage or loss caused by the accident. This study aims to present the advantages and disadvantages of receivers types used in hazardous material storage tanks.

Keywords: receivers types, remediation board, protective ring, tank, container fire, hazardous liquids. reinforced concrete structure, sheet steel structure.

Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Ádám Berger is an engineer at the Department of Water and Environmental Safety of the University of Public Service. In the course of his work, he examines the spread of dangerous substances in water and in soil. Nowadays he is a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering of University of Public Services. His field of research is Disaster Management. The topic of his research is about the resistance developed by hazardous materials to remediation boards and large artefacts against the irreversible effects of accidents.



Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer-economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis. 

Ncube, A., JJ. Ndovella: Resilience mechanisms displayed by informal settlement dwellers towards shack fires in South Africa

Teknős, L.: Analysis of evaluation of the relation between agriculture and Disaster Management

Abstract: The title of this presentation is Analysis and Evaluation of the Relation between Agriculture and Disaster Management. Agriculture is an important part of the Hungarian national economy. However, every year there are fires related to agricultural and construction equipment that cause damage.  Although the professional disaster management organization is not an agricultural organization itself, in this presentation the author presents the connection point between agriculture and the professional disaster management organization. Due to the scarcity of time point of the prevention (fire protection) of fires and damages related to the harvesting of agricultural crops, including the preparation and awareness-raising methods and possibilities of farmers, and the topics related to agriculture appearing on the websites of the professional disaster management organization are going to be presented. 

Dr. László Teknős was born on 30 of March 1985 in Debrecen. He is an assistant professor at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement of the University of Public Service, fire captain of the professional disaster management organization. Graduated in 2010 as a Certified Defense Administrative Manager, and in 2015 earned a PhD in Military Engineering. In 2021, received a degree in agricultural engineering from Szent István University. With his research on climate change and disaster management, he has participated in several Hungarian projects as a researcher, as has won various positions and awards in several national and professional competitions. He was named ‘excellent lecturer’ of the Institute of Disaster Management of the National University of Public Service in the academic year of 2017/2018. In 2020, he received the János Korponay Prize from the Hungarian Military Science Society and his short monograph entitled ‘Disaster Management Tasks Due to the Effects of Climate Change and Extreme Weather’ was awarded the Publication Level Award in the category of natural and technical sciences at the National University of Public Service.

His research interests include disaster management, environmental safety, social aspects of climate change, sustainable development dilemmas, current issues of European Union environmental policy, analysis and evaluation of the probabilities of natural disasters, their damaging effects, flood protection, theory and practical logic system of catastrophe science.

Subsection 5

Kátai-Urbán L., Zs. Cimer, Z. Cséplő, Gy. Vass: Examination of the technical competencies required to fulfill the industrial safety responsibilities

Abstract: The development of Hungarian system for industrial safety has more than a 20 years history. In addition to the supervision of dangerous establishment and the transport of dangerous goods, disaster management tasks related to critical infrastructure and nuclear emergency response have also emerged. In this article, the authors examine the technical competencies associated with industrial safety responsibilities.

Keywords: industrial safety, major accident, disaster management, technical requirements

Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer-economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis. 







Mr. Zoltán Cséplő  is a Lt. Col. of fire protection, chief of Industrial Safety General Inspectorate of the Capital Disaster Management Directorate, and has about twenty years of industrial safety’s authority experience. He worked as a vocational instructor and military technical development engineer in the Hungarian Armed Forces. He took part in the introduction of international and European Union regulations on the prevention of major industrial accidents and supervision of dangerous goods in Hungary. He holds a MSc. degree in mechanical engineering. He has an education of disaster and fire protection manager, a security organizers and a dangerous goods safety adviser. He is currently a doctoral student at the Military Technical Doctoral School of the University of Public Service in Budapest.


Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission.

Hetkämper, C: How to locate central service points for emergency services?

Abstract: A methodology is presented for determining optimal positions for central service points to secure the fuel supply of spatial distributed properties in the event of a long-term power outage. This approach is based on a multi-stage network analysis, which considers the accessibility, optimal positions via location-allocation analysis, and performance via vehicle routing analysis. The methodology could be used as a planning tool for fuel supply systems. However, weaknesses are revealed by the level of detail in the network dataset and the lack of speed parameters during a power outage for routing analysis. Thus further research or in situ adaption is needed for more practical results.

Chris Hetkämper is Research Assistant in the Team Risk and Crisis Management at the Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection (TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences) in Germany. His main areas of expertise and interest are critical infrastructures, risk and crisis management as well as the potential of applying geographic information systems as a planning tool in disaster risk management. Currently, he is working in the project "NOWATER: Emergency preparedness planning for water supply and sanitation in health care facilities – organisational and technical solution strategies to increase resilience". Beyond his studies and work at the Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection he is a volunteer firefighter since 2014.

Parrag, T-Kátai-Urbán,L-Cimer, Zs: Environmental safety effects of micropollutants and microplastic

Abstract: With the development of technology and the growing population, our world needs to develop new materials. Due to the technical shortcomings of wastewater treatment and waste management, pollutants can be released into the environment. Assessing the health and environmental risks of these substances is necessary to sustain human civilization. Micro pollutants have emerged in the last half century due to the development of a major industry, man has created the new pollutant micro plastics using more and more artificial plastics. By optimizing industrial safety, emissions of micro-contaminants and micro-plastics can be minimized.

Keywords: micro-pollutant, micro-plastics, water safety, toxicity, sewage, sewage sludge

Tamás Parrag is a research assistant at the Faculty of Water Sciences of the University of Public Service. He graduated at the University of Veszprém as a chemist. He worked for Hungarian water utility service providers as a laboratory manager and quality management manager for 8 years. He is a student and subject of the University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Engineering in the Prevention of Pollution by Industrial Wastewater, with a special focus on reducing the effects of micro-pollutants.



Ing. dr. jur. Lajos Kátai-Urbán PhD (1969): Colonel of fire protection, associate professor, head of Department for Industrial Safety for the Institute of Disaster Management, at the University of Public Service (UPS), Budapest, Hungary. He is responsible for the establishment and development of the industrial safety’s higher education system within the institution. He has been working for 14 years in the field of the prevention of industrial and transport accidents at the National Disaster Management Authority in Hungary. He was elected as a deputy chair of the UN ECE Industrial Accident Convention between 2004-2008. He obtained a Ph.D degree in military technical sciences (2005) at Zrínyi Miklós Defence University and habilitation degree (2015) at UPS, Budapest.

Zsolt Cimer is a chemical engineer, engineer-economist, fire protection engineer and associate professor. He is the vice dean of the Faculty of Water Science at the University of Public Service in Hungary. His research specialization is defence design, industrial safety, explosion protection and risk analysis. 

Kugler Zs: Activity of the Knowledge Centre for Water Sciences and Disaster Prevention

Abstract: Our Knowledge Centre was founded in 2018 with the aim to bridge cutting-edge engineering methods in disaster prevention. With a close cooperation of stakeholders and industrial partners we set to goal to coordination and enhancing competitiveness in R&D&I. Our research groups work on mitigation of risk from natural or man-made disasters, early warning, emergency management and post-disaster reconstruction and damage assessment. Highlights of our expertise are extreme flood and ecological status assessment on rivers. We carry out research in large-scale water management and water quality. We have a large team working on safe drinking water supply and efficient wastewater treatment. Monitoring and risk assessment of flood defences and critical facilities is in our scope. Prevention and management of industrial disasters from a mechanical engineering perspective in our research area. Special focus is set on earthquake vulnerably assement. We design of nuclear facilities to protect against extreme impacts. Our major area of innovation is in impact of fire and explosion on engineering facilities together with flame retardancy.

Dr. Zsófia Kugler is the director of Knowledge Centre for Water Sciences and Disaster Prevention at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). Her main responsibilities are carrying out the 3 years Institutional Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ITM) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Promote collaboration between stakeholder and industrial partners in the field of water science and disaster prevention. Enhance R&D activities at the University. Organise and carry out state funded large-scale project collaboration. 

She obtained her PhD in 2008 at BME in Civil Engineering. Her specialisation is in photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS with a special focus on disaster management and hydrology. She was a post-graduate research fellow at Cambridge University during her PhD studies. Besides worked at the European Commission- Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) on the development of a global, near-real time flood detection tool based on weather independent microwave remote sensing.



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