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ISCFEDM – Section C, Firefighting and rescue operation management0000. 00 00. 17:00 This page contains the presentations of Section C of the International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2021. (Az oldal a Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.) Table of contents for this section(Click the links below to jump to the desired presentation. Be advised: page load may be slow due to the embedded YouTube-videos. Please allow up to 1-2 minutes for the whole page to load.)
Subsection 1 Stocker, B-Bodnár, L: Shortcomings in cooperation during the marching of the fire engine Bodnár, L.: Physical load test of firefighters based on the carried overload
Subsection 2 Patricio Sanhueza: Wildfires situation in Chile Bánhegyi R-Rácz S: Firefighting in case of solar panels Rekeny, M., Restás, Á.: Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Fire Engines Focusing on Forest Fires
Subsection 3 Kós, Gy: Rapid Fire Progress (RFP) Farkas J: Coping strategies of firefighters Muchiri, B. W.: Fire Investigation and Response in Muranga County, Kenya: Success and Challenges Igaz-Danszky, T-Hesz, J: Development of Operation Control at Hungarian Disaster Management
Subsection 4 Urszuly, R: Extinguishing fires from solar systems P. Pántya: Extra load and limitations on firefighters R. Veszpremi - P. Pantya: Firefighter responses in case of railway accidents
Subsection 5 Al-Khawaldeh, I., Restás, Á.: Forest Wildfire Crisis Management Tomasz Zweglinski, Péter Pántya: LNG CONDITIONAL SCENARIO FLOW MODEL for INCIDENTS in ROAD TRANSPORT Péter Tomka, Péter Pántya: Identifying firefighters and Vehicles on the Fire Ground
Subsection 1Stocker, B-Bodnár, L: Shortcomings in cooperation during the marching of the fire engineAbstract: The march to the intervention area takes from the place of departure of the alarmed fire forces and equipment until the arrival of the event specified in the signal. The march is carried out using the distinctive light and sound signal at the same time, within the framework of the highway code. However, fast and efficient marching is influenced by a number of factors, including the behaviour of the drivers in the traffic when a vehicle with a distinctive sign appears. In the poster, the authors present general errors and their possible solutions, referring primarily to his own driving experience. As a result of the poster, we will learn about the difficulties of the migration logistics, and the authors will present their suggestions to help the migration of the fire engine. Balázs Stocker was born on 2nd of May 1980 in Budapest. After completing his military service, he graduated at the High School of Law Enforcement in Budapest and worked as a police officer for several years. Since 2007 he has been working at the Budapest Disaster Management Directorate as a firefighter, in the position of special equipment operator and driver. Between 2008 and 2016, in addition to his work as a firefighter, he worked as an ambulance driver at the National Ambulance Service in Hungary. Here, in addition to his driving duties, he co-operated with the ambulance doctor in the patient care. He is currently a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement at the Institute for Disaster Management, specialising for Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. László Bodnár was born on 31 of January 1992 in Budapest. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and in 2016 the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He is currently an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He is also a PhD Candidate. His research topic is “research and development of methods to increase the effectiveness of firefighting in case of wildfires.” The expected time for his thesis defence is spring 2021. Huszka, ZS – Rácz, S: Presentation of occupational safety solutions against hazards during the firefightingAbstract: The number of civil work accidents is decreasing year after year, so they are developing in a predictable way. However, accidents in case of firefighting are fluctuating in frequency. One of the reasons for this is that it is not possible to create a suitable working environment in case of an intervention. Technically designed protection solutions, such as guardrails or protective guards, cannot be used. To compensate it, a unique occupational safety system has been developed at the fire departments, which includes personal protective equipment, the practice-orientation of the trainings and the necessary psychological preparation. These are complemented by novel technologies as well as safe intervention procedures. Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander. Zsolt Huszka was born on 9 of June, 1987 in Orosháza, Hungary. He became a professional firefighter in 2006, and started this year the basic firefighting course, and completed it in 2007. After that he completed the operations management course and then the operations management reference course. He has extended his knowledge through various trainings in addition to classic fire protection competencies, such as the relevant DWS C + M modules or the control of dangerous goods transport. Now he is a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement Institute of Disaster Management. Bodnár, L.: Physical load test of firefighters based on the carried overloadAbstract: Humanity has been in constant contact with fire throughout the history. During this time they also learned the beneficial and dangerous effects of fire. Fire generates regularly around the world, so the science of firefighting needs constant research and development. The physical work of firefighters is notoriously tiring. On the one hand, this can affect the health of firefighters during a longer intervention, so it would be useful to increase the physical performance of firefighters, and on the other hand, reducing the physical load also provides an opportunity to increase the effective intervention. In the paper, I point out the limitations of the load capacity of firefighters and demonstrate the need to increase the ability to extinguish with free movement. In order to achieve this goal, I am conducting my own test, which does not require significant resources, but their results can already provide guidance for a tool development. As a result of the test, I propose to use a novel, innovative technical tool during the firefighting. László Bodnár was born on 31 of January 1992 in Budapest. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and in 2016 the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He is currently an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He is also a PhD Candidate. His research topic is “research and development of methods to increase the effectiveness of firefighting in case of wildfires.” The expected time for his thesis defence is spring 2021. Kersák J ZS: - Pántya, P: Technical development opportunity in the field of practical training in rescue fire protectionAbstract: With the horizontal and vertical expansion of urbanization, threats, disasters and damage of civilizational and/or natural origin are having an unprecedented impact. Due to their course and intensity, the danger to human life and material goods, it is necessary to develop certain segments of the applied protection systems, such as fire practical education, in parallel with the development of technologies. This direction of development cannot be limited to domestic research and development, it is necessary in a broader sense to examine the good practices that have already been proven and applied internationally and the possibilities of their adaptation. New educational methods and tools can make fire protection and incident intervention more effective. József Zsolt Kersák was born on April 21, 1976 in Pincehely. He has been working as a professional firefighter since 2000, his current position as deputy commander. He studied in Keszthely in 2011 as an agricultural engineer for economic and rural development. He started as a disaster management organizer at the National University of Public Service in 2013, graduating in 2019 as a disaster management manager(MSc). From 2019 he is a National University of Public Service Doctoral School of Military Engineering. He is also a PhD Candidate. His research topic is „The task of the German civil defense is to analyze its equipment system and technical capabilities, and to examine its adaptation possibilities”.His other research area "Technical development of rescue fire protection". The expected time for his thesis defence is spring 2023. Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents. Subsection 2Patricio Sanhueza: Wildfires situation in ChilePatricio I. SANHUEZA Bravo, es Ingeniero Forestal y Licenciado en Ciencias Forestales de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales de la Universidad de Chile. Casado y dos hijos. Desde el año 1979, en su larga trayectoria profesional ligada al Manejo del Fuego, le ha correspondido participar, entre otras actividades, en numerosos programas de capacitación, entrenamiento, asistencia técnica y apoyo en presupresión y supresión de incendios forestales para distintas organizaciones en el país. Recibió entrenamiento avanzado en incendios forestales en el Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos. Asimismo, ha cursado numerosos cursos de perfeccionamiento, pasantías, giras de estudios en protección contra incendios forestales en Chile y el extranjero. Ha ejercido como Profesor de Manejo del Fuego en las Universidades de Chile, Mayor, Santo Tomás e INACAP. En el ámbito internacional ha tenido amplia participación en numerosos misiones de entrenamiento, asistencia técnica, y apoyo en emergencias forestales a países latinoamericanos y del Asia-Pacifico. Asimismo, participa permanentemente en seminarios, talleres y consultas de expertos en incendios forestales organizados por FAO y distintas Organizaciones de Naciones Unidas. En la actualidad es: Coordinador adjunto de la Red Sudamericana de Incendios Forestales de la Red Mundial de Incendios Forestales UN-ISDR-GFMC. Miembro, desde el año 2001, del International Liaison Committee ILC, organizador y coordinador de las Conferencias Mundiales de Incendios Forestales. Miembro de la Red Mundial de Expertos en Manejo del Fuego de Naciones Unidas-FAO. Integra el Grupo Consejero de Incendios Forestales de Naciones Unidas UNISDR-WFA. Miembro del Grupo Internacional de Trabajo de Aviación en Incendios (IFAWG). Se desempeñó por más de 30 años como Jefe Nacional de Operaciones en Combate de Incendios Forestales del Programa Manejo del Fuego- PMF de la Corporación Nacional Forestal, CONAF (Servicio Forestal de Chile) con sede en Santiago. Sus responsabilidades del PMF incluyeron las actividades de respuesta institucional contra los incendios forestales en el país. Los recursos operacionales de cada temporada de incendios forestales (Octubre-Mayo) estaban compuestos por brigadas terrestres, de heliataque, centrales de operaciones, aviones de coordinación, torres de observación, Actualmente se desempeña como Ingeniero Forestal-especialista Senior en Manejo del Fuego y Asistente Técnico encargado de relaciones y enlace internacionales de la Gerencia de Protección contra Incendios Forestales de CONAF. Gál, L., Rácz, S.: Presence of Factors Influencing a Decision Based on Signals of the Fire Alarm SystemAbstract: In the field of fire prevention, the design, installation and reliability of fire alarm systems are very important areas. In case of buildings with a fire alarm system, for example due to sensor contamination, negligent maintenance or environmental conditions, it is common to receive several times a signal at the same site. Experiences have shown that in case of a fire alarm transmitted by automatic device, due to the frequency of its occurrence, the firefighter considers the false fire alarm more likely than any other type of case. Interveners, due to the high incidence rate, become somewhat resistant to this process, they do not take into account the uniqueness of the case, and the presence of potential sources of danger. This miscalculation of probabilities leads to the development of overconfidence, which can put all participants in the intervention at risk and force them to improvise. Levente Gál is the service commander of the Professional Fire Department of Kisvárda. He started his bachelor studies at the University of Public Service, at the Institute of Disaster Management specialization for Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. After that, he completed the Master studies in Disaster Management in 2019 at the University of Public Service. In addition, during his duty as a firefighter, he does a research in the topic of innovative development opportunities that facilitate the work of the interveners.
Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander. Bánhegyi R-Rácz S: Firefighting in case of solar panelsAbstract: Solar energy is progressing quickly, so there is a need for this development to be followed by the disaster management. This requires the acquisition and use of appropriate protective equipment and extinguishing material. Firefighting in case of solar panels can also be dangerous for firefighters, so it is important to be aware of the options that can be used to perform the effective and safe intervention. Firefighters should be preparing for fighting against installations under voltage if the solar panel or its immediate surrounding is burning. Firefighting can be performed successfully if we have the appropriate knowledge. At the international level, several experiments have been conducted for the effective tactics, some of them can be applied on the practical level. Roland Bánhegyi was born on 27 of July 1978 in Mohács. He was graduated in high school in 1999 and in the same year he applied for admission to a military school in Budapest. A year later he got his first assignment in Pécs like a platoon commander. Seven years later in 2007 he gave up the military life and became a firefighter. In 2010 he became a firefighter technician. He began his studies in 2017 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in fire protection and rescue operations management as a Disaster Manager in Fire Protcetion and Rescue Control. He is interesting in the topic of firefighting in case of electric vehicles and firefighting in case of dangerous substances.
Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander. Rekeny, M., Restás, Á.: Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Fire Engines Focusing on Forest FiresAbstract: Wildfires are one of the most challenging disasters. The size of the burned areas due to outdoor fires is getting higher year by year. At the same time, the value of the damage and the cost of the firefighting is increasing. One of the keys to reduce these is to start the intervention as soon as possible. By reducing the withdrawal time, the period of free spread of fire can be most effectively reduced. This requires small and simple fire trucks that are effective on dirt roads and in the field. In the presentation, the author analyses the effectiveness of the simple fire trucks. Máté Rekeny was born on 15 of May, 1986 in Esztergom. He has been a professional firefighter since 2008. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer in 2013. He is currently a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management.
Ágoston Restás, PhD habil., PhD - Restas.Agoston@uni-nke.hu Dr Ágoston Restás (Eng., ret. Firefighter Lt. Colonel) habilitated associate professor at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operation Management. Restas holds mechanical engineering (1988), economist (1999) and disaster manager (2002) degrees. In 2008 Restás made his PhD thesis at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University, titled “Research and development of the aerial reconnaissance and extinguishing of forest fires”. In 2013 Restas prepared his other PhD thesis at the Corvinus University of Budapest, titled “Decision-making of firefighting managers in emergencies”. Habilitation was also passed in 2015 at the National University of Public Service, Budapest. Subsection 3Kós, Gy: Rapid Fire Progress (RFP)Abstract: Between 2003 and 2012, 63 firefighters died in a flashover-related incident in the US. Fire regulations are significantly tightened,but in modern construction the plastic-based and chemically treated wooden furniture favor extreme fire spreads. In fact, in today’s buildings, flashover is spreading eight times faster than 50 years ago. György Kós is a doctoral student at the University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Engineering. He graduated at the University of Public Service Institute of Disaster Management. He has extensive international experience in the following courses: Combat Medic/Tactical Trauma Life Support, Firefighter Advanced Survival Techniques. He is a fire chief at the volunteer fire department of Fábiánsebestyén. His research interest is firefighting, technical rescue, special vehicles and life - saving operations. Farkas J: Coping strategies of firefightersAbstract: The firefighters experience may result an elevated risk of burnout, depression, and other mental disorders due to incidents at their work. The current approach to addressing these fields tends to focus on individuals coping. This study aims to determine the effects of stress in professional firefighters, and the types of coping strategies among Olson’s Multisystem Assessment of Stress and Health (MASH) model. Eighty-two professional firefighters participated in this research from five urban fire departments. The Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations and Coping and Stress Profile were used to exam coping strategies. The survey shows that the members of the intervention staff are exposed to the greatest stress during their work. The vast majority of the stock responds to stress with adequate coping strategies. This suggests that firefighters are increasingly exposed to stress during their work and should be provided with more training and psychological support for dealing with work stress. As the data were not subjected to statistical analysis, the results are not considered scientifically relevant. Johanna Farkas Muchiri, B. W.: Fire Investigation and Response in Muranga County, Kenya: Success and ChallengesIgaz-Danszky, T-Hesz, J: Development of Operation Control at Hungarian Disaster ManagementAbstract: When you are terrified because of danger you want help immediately. Capable hands that you can trust because of their numbers, knowledge, and tools. It is the responsibility of the Disaster Management Operations Control Service to organise and direct this help. But as technology advances and new improved tools become available, we have the opportunity to accelerate, clarify and revise the working of this important service. Examining national and international models of operation control open possibilities to integrate new protocols into our system and by that get you the help faster and more efficiently when it is needed as part of the “In the service of Hungary for security” principle. Tamás Igaz-Danszky, 1st year doctoral student at the University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Engineering, employee of the Capital Directorate for Disaster Management, Operation Control Service. His research interests focus on the development of operation control service as a part of Disaster Management. He has been working for the Disaster Management for 16 years of which he has spent 12 years in Operation Control Service, until the present. In 2016 he has received a Bsc degree in „Mechatronics Engineer” from the University of Óbuda, in 2020 he graduate with an Msc degree in ”Certified Disaster Manager” at the University of Public Service. He has been awarded by „Warrant Officer of the year” in 2018.
Col. József Hesz, PhD associate professor, University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management Subsection 4Urszuly, R: Extinguishing fires from solar systemsAbstract: Firefighters face unexpected challenges with the growth of new uses for alternative energy. These renewable energy sources save on the use of conventional fuels such as oil and other fossil fuels, but they carry unknown hazards themselves, requiring new firefighting strategies and procedures. These alternative energy use conditions include buildings equipped with solar energy systems that pose a number of significant hazards in the event of a fire. The article covers solar systems utilizing solar panels that generate heat and / or electricity and focus on the structural firefighting of buildings and structures, in particular solar panels used to generate electricity. However, before we go any further, I would like to briefly describe a relatively common installation format. Robert Urszuly is 34 years old, father of two children. He has been a firefighter for 13 years in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, at the country's most alarmed fire brigade. He is currently studying at the University of Public Service. In addition to the fire department, he was a driver at the National Ambulance Service, among others. He is a trained industrial climber, who still works with expertise and practice. In addition to the fire department, he currently works for a company that installs solar panels. After graduating from high school, he qualified as an aircraft engineer, where he worked for a few years. After that, he worked as a car mechanic, also for a few years, but by then he was already a firefighter. All this experience makes him a good technician and a specialist in the solar topic. > Fekete, A-Pántya P: Fire, multi-risk and technical rescue needs in Germany and Hungary. Organizational differences and similaritiesAbstract: The objective of this study is to make a comparison on how Germany and Hungary can provide answers for the challenges of different fire and technical rescue incidents. Major improvements in technical firefighting material but also training have been achieved for daily emergencies from the late 1970s to the today1,2. However, new challenges also arise, such as shift in hazard types due to technological and societal change, but also a new focus on natural hazards, multiple, sometimes cascading, risks. Alexander Fekete research focuses on studying the systemic interrelations of natural, technical and man-made hazards with social vulnerabilities and critical infrastructures. Interdisciplinary disaster risk management, risk governance, urban resilience, risk and crisis communication, and target levels of safety and security are recent research and educational activities. Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents. P. Pántya: Extra load and limitations on firefightersAbstract: There are a lot of safety issues during the fire, disaster management tasks and interventions, mainly lifesaving, firefighting or technical rescue. Basicly personally, very close to the firefighters we can find more dangers to them. More dangers, extra loads and also limitations can caused by the personal protective equipment itself. A research described the elements, directions and also the effects these negative impacts for the protected members of fire protection or disaster management units, to varying degrees. Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents. Veszpremi - Pantya: Firefighter responses in case of railway accidentsAbstract: The investigation aims to explore the problems that arise during the intervention of the fire brigade in railway accidents and its possible solutions. The basic accident environment, the fire-fighting forces available in the interventions and their equipment, as well as the possibilities that can help the railway damage elimination are presented. A feasibility study of new technical and organizational solutions will also be presented, which will make fire brigade interventions more effective and faster in this area. Roland Veszprémi is a fire engine driver since 2015 at the Professional Fire Department of Szolnok. Before it between 2012 and 2015 he was a firefighter at the same fire department. Now he is a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Lew Enforcement, Institute of the Disaster Management specialization for Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. His research interest is the Firefighter responses in case of railway accidents.
Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents. Subsection 5Miskei, T.: Intervention challenges in cases of fire and damage to electric vehicle charging stationsAbstract: As firemen, we also must follow technological developments. In addition to electric cars, similarly-propelled public transport vehicles, motorbikes and trucks have also appeared. With the proliferation of electric and hybrid vehicles, the number of charging stations is also increasing rapidly. These are a potential hazard for intervening firefighters. Tamas Miskey, Commander Veszprém County Disaster Management Directorate Disaster Response Operations Service Doctoral Student, Doctoral School of Military Engineering Research topic Firefighting and intervention challenges at high altitudes and in special conditions E-mail: miskeytamas@gmail.com Al-Khawaldeh, I., Restás, Á.: Forest Wildfire Crisis ManagementAbstract: Forest wildfire is an issue that has a worldwide concern, its management is taking a sort of firefighting measures rather than tackling fire symptoms at early stages. This approach in almost all cases has proven its failure in reducing the extent of damage. UAV’s in future will play a vital rule in detecting the fire initiation symptoms or fire at early stages, that would make firefighting economically feasible. Ágoston Restás, PhD habil., PhD - Restas.Agoston@uni-nke.hu Dr Ágoston Restás (Eng., ret. Firefighter Lt. Colonel) habilitated associate professor at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operation Management. Restas holds mechanical engineering (1988), economist (1999) and disaster manager (2002) degrees. In 2008 Restás made his PhD thesis at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University, titled “Research and development of the aerial reconnaissance and extinguishing of forest fires”. In 2013 Restas prepared his other PhD thesis at the Corvinus University of Budapest, titled “Decision-making of firefighting managers in emergencies”. Habilitation was also passed in 2015 at the National University of Public Service, Budapest. Tomasz Zweglinski, Péter Pántya: LNG CONDITIONAL SCENARIO FLOW MODEL for INCIDENTS in ROAD TRANSPORTAbstract: A shift towards broader use of LNG is economically and environmentally justified. However, it triggers an obvious need for investigating on LNG risk through elaboration and validation of potential scenarios, the hazard might generate if materializes. This background knowledge and past experiences were elaborated in order to fulfil the poster’s aim which is designing the LNG Conditional Scenario Flow Model for such cases as storage in a tank, road and pipeline transport. The model is conditional since the concept complies the emergency mitigation measures undertaken on different phases of the scenario development. This presentation is dedicated to fulfil this aim by answering the following question – what are the key scenario lines LNG incidents might follow? The proposed model is a suitable tool to be implemented for first responders and educational, training purposes. Furthermore, it might be utilized as a supporting scheme for pre and post incident analyses. Tomasz Zweglinski - PhD in Security Sciences, Master of Fire Engineering, professional fire officer (Lt. Col.) and a specialist in civil protection and crisis/disaster management with more than 20 years of experience. An academic, working at the Internal Security Institute at a technical university named the Main School of Fire Service (Warsaw, Poland). PhD graduated from a military university (the National Defence Academy in Warsaw, Poland). Fire engineering and disaster management studied at the Main School of Fire Service (Warsaw, Poland) accordingly at the Fire Safety Engineering Faculty and the Civil Safety Engineering Faculty. High level coordination expert of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism and disaster environmental expert of the Joint Environmental Unit UNEP/OCHA. EU CBRN Security Manager graduated from international post-graduate study in 2018, financed from the EU Internal Security Fund (DG HOME). Occupational safety expert graduated from the Warsaw Technical University and the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (Poland). National and international research and capacity building projects manager (incl. EU funding as well as Official Development Assistance funding). Table-top and field civil protection exercises organizer, trainer and evaluator (incl. UCPM Training Programme). Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents. Péter Tomka, Péter Pántya: Identifying firefighters and Vehicles on the Fire GroundAbstract: The ability to identify and distinguish firefighters and vehicles is a key factor on how transparent the fire ground is. A survey previously conducted amongst firefighters reveals that it is necessary to better mark individual firefighters, the incident commander and firefighting vehicles. Individual firefighters can be marked by their call signs on their helmets, turnout gear and SCBA. Incident commanders and other crucial positions can use armbands, collars and vests to mark themselves. Magnetic or suction cup panels identify vehicle call signs, while adhesive labels can be used for technical parameters and roof markings. Lieutenant Peter Tomka – Lt. Tomka joined the Budapest Fire Department in 2010 and is currently serving at the 10th District Fire Department as a squad commander. He holds Master's degrees in Disaster Management and Disaster Protection Engineering and is currently pursuing his doctorate at the University of Public Service, where he is researching the efficiency and safety of interior firefighting. He has won the Balogh Imre Memorial Competition in 2015 and has been awarded the Medal of Valor in 2019
Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.
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