
ISCFEDM – Section A, Fire Engineering

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This page contains the presentations of Section A of the International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2021. (Az oldal a Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1

Xu, Q.: Evaluate the Flammability and Fire Behavior of Wood of Ancient Buildings 

Hajdu, F., László, G., Kerekes, Zs., Csápaiová, N., Kuti, R: Examination of fire spread in simulation environment

Kopecskó, K: The vulnerability of Portland cement, the advantage of geopolimer

Nagysolymos, Á., Kopecskó, K., Kerekes, Zs.Restás, Á: Structural changes of fiber-reinforced composite plastics under the influence of heat


Subsection 2

Nagy B - Érces G - Hortobágyi - Hesz J: Evaluation of BIM-based workflows in fire safety engineering

Érces N,-Kajtár, L: The impact of a conventional operated biomass boiler on the environment

Restás, Á., Lucza, E., Szép J., Kerekes, Zs.:  Reuse of Polyethylene Waste as Building Material in view of Fire Protection

Das,O-Restás,Á-Försth, M-Sas, G-Hedenqvist M: Naturally-occuring Bromophenol to develop fire retardant gluten bioplastics


Subsection 3

Veresné Rauscher, J: Evacuation scenarios and repeated runs for evacuation simulations

Vass, Gy-Érces- G-Rácz, S: Fire protection in smart cities

Nagy, K.: How Different Kinds of Built-in Fire Prevention Equipment Work Together

Xu, J.: Tree Seed Fibers Flammability  Analysis by MCC and TGA


Subsection 4

Gyapjas, J. Haris, R.: Fire Safety in building construction

Péter Tóth: New Hungarian standard for testing facade fire propagation

Svetlík, J – Makovická Osvaldová, L:Temperature on car doors exposed to fire – pre-test

A. Majlingova, P. Tischler: Compartment Fire Modelling


Subsection 1

Xu, Q.: Evaluate the Flammability and Fire Behavior of Wood of Ancient Buildings 

Abstract: Wood is one of the main building materials of ancient architecture. The frequent ancient wooden building fires causes tremendous losses to the building itself and the cultural relics in the building. Exploring the law of fire occurrence and development of ancient wooden buildings is of great significance to ensure the safety of ancient buildings.

Xu Quiang is a professor at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He obtained his Master degree and also his Doctor Degree of Engineering at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He made his post-Doctoral Fellow at “Fire Technology Group” in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia. He participated in the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD Students, University Teachers, Researchers and Artists, Flammability and fire behaviour research of selected polymers for energy efficient buildings, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia. His research interests are characterization of flammability, Ignition and Flame Spread, Measurement and Test Methods for fire safety research, Calorimetry and Experimental Thermodynamics and Kinetics.

Hajdu, F., László, G., Kerekes, Zs., Csápaiová, N., Kuti, R: Examination of fire spread in simulation environment

Aim of the research:
  • Examination fires in buildings
  • Understanding the combustion process and the spread of the fire
  • Scientific examination of the negative effects of the heat load on the building structures
  • Due to the environmental damage, it is very difficult to obtain permission for 1:1 scale fire experiments, but good results can also be achieved with computer simulation. 
  • In order to better understand the spread of fire and its effects on building structures, a model of a unit fire in a living room was examined in numerical simulation
  • The model and the simulation process is explained in our presentation.

Dr. Flóra Hajdu works as an assistant professor at Department of  Mechatronics  and  Machine  Design,  Széchenyi  István  University.  She received  Mechatronic  Engineer  Msc.  and  Vehicle  Engineer  Msc.  degrees  from Széchenyi István University. She finished her Phd stuides at Széchenyi István University Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Engineering Sciences in 2020, the title of her thesis was Numerical examination of nonlinear systems with special regard to automotive and mechatronic applications. During her Phd research she started to model firefighting vehicles. After her Phd studies she started to research in the field of fire spread simulation. Her research  interest also includes system modeling, numerical simulations and engineering design.

Rajmund Kuti was born in 1969 in Szőny. He finished his undergraduate studies at the University of Pécs in fire safety engineering. He obtained his MSc degree at Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University, with the specialization of chemical and disaster protection. He began his doctorate degree in military technical science at Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University in 2009. He achieved habilitated doctoral degree in 2015 in military technical science at the University of Public Service. He has been a university lecturer since 2006, he is currently a full professor at the Department of Mechanotrincs and Machine Design, Fire Protection and Safety Technology Group at Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary. Moreover, he is a certified fire protection expert. His research fields are fire protection, fire engineering, water management, mechanical engineering, CBRN engineering.

Nikoleta Csápaiová was born in 1992 in Komárno in Slovakia. She studied fire engineering at the University of Žilina, which she succesfully completed in 2016. She started her doctorate degree specializing in vehicle fires in 2017 at the same university. 

She has been working for the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic since 2015 as a professional firefighter. Her assignment is fire investigation at the Fire and Rescue Corps of the Slovak Republic.



Zsuzsanna Kerekes was born 1958 in Budapest. She began her hight studies in 1976 at the Pannon University in Veszprém, and obtained the MSc degree in chemical engineering, silicate chemistry specialization.  She began her dr.univ studies in 1981 at the Doctoral School of Budapest University of Technology Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. She has been an university lecturer since 1999-2020 at Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Fire-safety Engineering Óbuda University as fire protection laboratory leader. She obtained a PhD degree in 2015 and habil degree in 2019. Instructor since 2019 at the University of Public Service. She has been working in her profession for 40 years in various fields: material structure research, ceramics, glass, analytics.  Her research topic is “research and development combustion mechanism of non-combustible and combustible materials,”



Kopecskó, K.: The vulnerability of Portland cement, the advantage of geopolimer

Katalin Kopecskó Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary. Graduated in Chemical Engineering (1990) and has postgraduate degree in Concrete Technology (2004). She has her PhD degree in Civil Engineering since 2006. Her PhD thesis was prepared on “Chloride ion binding capacity of steam-cured cement clinkers and cements”. She teaches Chemistry for Civil Engineers in BSc and Material Science for CE in MSc as well as PhD subjects (Durability of Construction Materials; Relationship between structure and behaviour of concrete, Alkali activated materials in civil engineering). Her research fields are: deterioration processes and durability of construction materials and concrete, hydration of cement and supplementary cementitious materials, biomineralization, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal analyses (TG/DTG/DTA). She is a member of: the International Federation for Structural Concrete fib; the Hungarian Group of fib; Hungarian Standards Institution - Technical Committee MSZT/MB 102 (Cement and Lime); Scientific Committees of several International Conferences. Number of publications: 124. ORCID: 0000-0002-7169-966X.


Nagysolymosi, Á., Kopecskó, K., Kerekes, Zs.Restás, Á: Structural changes of fiber-reinforced composite plastics under the influence of heat

Ádám Nagysolymosi graduated from the fire protection department of SZIE-YMÉK in 2020. His diploma work was about the fire resistance of fiberglass plastics. And he is currently working as a construction manager.




Katalin Kopecskó Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary. Graduated in Chemical Engineering (1990) and has postgraduate degree in Concrete Technology (2004). She has her PhD degree in Civil Engineering since 2006. Her PhD thesis was prepared on “Chloride ion binding capacity of steam-cured cement clinkers and cements”. She teaches Chemistry for Civil Engineers in BSc and Material Science for CE in MSc as well as PhD subjects (Durability of Construction Materials; Relationship between structure and behaviour of concrete, Alkali activated materials in civil engineering). Her research fields are: deterioration processes and durability of construction materials and concrete, hydration of cement and supplementary cementitious materials, biomineralization, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal analyses (TG/DTG/DTA). She is a member of: the International Federation for Structural Concrete fib; the Hungarian Group of fib; Hungarian Standards Institution - Technical Committee MSZT/MB 102 (Cement and Lime); Scientific Committees of several International Conferences. Number of publications: 124. ORCID: 0000-0002-7169-966X.

Zsuzsanna Kerekes was born 1958 in Budapest. She began her hight studies in 1976 at the Pannon University in Veszprém, and obtained the MSc degree in chemical engineering, silicate chemistry specialization.  She began her dr.univ studies in 1981 at the Doctoral School of Budapest University of Technology Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. She has been an university lecturer since 1999-2020 at Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Fire-safety Engineering Óbuda University as fire protection laboratory leader. She obtained a PhD degree in 2015 and habil degree in 2019. Instructor since 2019 at the University of Public Service. She has been working in her profession for 40 years in various fields: material structure research, ceramics, glass, analytics.  Her research topic is “research and development combustion mechanism of non-combustible and combustible materials,”

Ágoston Restás, PhD habil., PhD - Restas.Agoston@uni-nke.hu Dr Ágoston Restás (Eng., ret. Firefighter Lt. Colonel) habilitated associate professor at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operation Management. Restas holds mechanical engineering (1988), economist (1999) and disaster manager (2002) degrees. In 2008 Restás made his PhD thesis at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University, titled “Research and development of the aerial reconnaissance and extinguishing of forest fires”. In 2013 Restas prepared his other PhD thesis at the Corvinus University of Budapest, titled “Decision-making of firefighting managers in emergencies”. Habilitation was also passed in 2015 at the National University of Public Service, Budapest.

Subsection 2

Nagy B - Érces G - Hortobágyi - Hesz J: Evaluation of BIM-based workflows in fire safety engineering

Abstract: Building information modelling and management (BIM) is a process supported by various tools, applications and technologies involving the generation, optimization, and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics and information of constructions throughout its entire lifecycle. BIM can be used to provide, or store information related to fire safety. Some of these applications are known and used already, however, many possibilities are nowadays still in the research and development. In our research, we evaluated the possible BIM-based individual applications based on scientific literature and composed a workflow of a construction project that is organizing the use of engineering design and management involving BIM. We discussed the possibilities of BIM applications throughout the analysis of building constructions for fire loads, fire and smoke propagation and evacuation simulation, integrated smart monitoring systems for fire alarm and incident management as well as innovative fire prevention solutions such as AR/VR applications. Our research goal is to facilitate the interconnection of BIM engineering applications and fire protection. We concluded that BIM can be used throughout the whole lifecycle of a building project and all fire safety engineering applications can optimize and generate changes in the building design if these assessments interact to each other and use the same dynamically developing BIM model.

Keywords: building information modelling, innovative engineering methods, fire safety engineering


Dipl. eng. Gergő Érces, PhD., architect, fire protection engineer, University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management, associate professor.

After obtaining an MSc degree in architecture from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2009, he received a fire protection engineering certificate in 2011 at the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture of Szent István University. In the field of technical sciences, he obtained a PhD academic degree in 2019 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service.

His career started as a professional firefighter at the Budapest Fire Department in 2010, where he worked in the field of fire investigation, and from 2012 he worked at the Capital Disaster Management Directorate in the field of fire prevention. Since 2017 he has been a lecturer in fire prevention courses at the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management of the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. At the university, he works as a research engineer in the field of disaster management and fire prevention.

Balázs Nagy, PhD

assistant professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Deptartment of Construction Materials and Technologies

3. Műegyetem rkp, 1111 Budapest, Hungary

email: nagy.balazs@emk.bme.hu, ORCID: 0000-0003-1373-5930

Col. József Hesz, PhD

associate professor, University of Public Service, Institute of Disaster Management,

Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management




Érces N,-Kajtár, L: The impact of a conventional operated biomass boiler on the environment

Abstract: In the case of solid-fuel installations, there is still a large number of traditional wood-fired equipment operating without proper combustion control. Depending on the economic and infrastructural development, these devices are one of the main sources of air pollution. Of course, the emission of pollutants depends primarily on the quality of the fuel or on the behavior of the user, but can also be significantly reduced with the proper boiler setting.

In our study, we tested the operation of a conventional, manual-feed, wood-fired boiler for household use, depending on the opening angle of the combustion air control door. Studies have shown that a constantly changing position of the draft control door has an adverse effect on carbon monoxide emissions as well as the energy produced. In the case of a constant draft door setting, the preset values that can be considered ideal for energy yield and CO emissions were determined for the two fuel types. 

Norbert Érces was born on the 25. of August 1986, in Budapest. He has begun his studies in 2005 at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. During his studies, he chose to specialize in building service engineering. In 2014 he obtained an MSc degree in comfort building engineering, and this year he worked as a PhD student in the Department of Building Services and Process Engineering. He works as a department engineer since 2017 at the department. His research topic is investigation of biomass fired systems. His educational activities include HVAC system planning, gas supply, use of renewable energy, air conditioning, laboratory measurements, water supply and sewerage.

Restás, Á., Lucza, E., Szép J., Kerekes, Zs.:  Reuse of Polyethylene Waste as Building Material in view of Fire Protection

Abstract: In the course of our work, we examined different types of polymer tiles from a fire protection point of view. We investigated their behavior against radiant heat. In addition, we performed a small flame propagation test on them. The standard tests provide an opportunity to compare the data collected during the tests with other façade cladding currently used in construction practice, as well as with thermal insulation materials. The aim of the tests is to get an answer to which fire protection classes the tiles we are currently examining can be classified and what kind of construction task they are suitable for performing according to the current regulations

Ágoston Restás, PhD habil., PhD - Restas.Agoston@uni-nke.hu Dr Ágoston Restás (Eng., ret. Firefighter Lt. Colonel) habilitated associate professor at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operation Management. Restas holds mechanical engineering (1988), economist (1999) and disaster manager (2002) degrees. In 2008 Restás made his PhD thesis at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University, titled “Research and development of the aerial reconnaissance and extinguishing of forest fires”. In 2013 Restas prepared his other PhD thesis at the Corvinus University of Budapest, titled “Decision-making of firefighting managers in emergencies”. Habilitation was also passed in 2015 at the National University of Public Service, Budapest.

Edit Éva Lucza was born in 1986 in Budapest. He began his higher education in 2009 at the Faculty of Applied Arts of Szent István University, where he graduated as a teacher of mathematics and Hungarian language and literature. In 2019, he graduated from the Miklós Ybl Faculty of Architecture of Szent István University with a degree in Architecture, Fire and Disaster Protection. In 2019, he began his MSc studies in Plant Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Szent István University. From 2021 he has been a lecturer at the Miklós Ybl Faculty of Architecture of the University of Óbuda. He is expected to begin his doctoral studies in the fall of 2021. His field of research is the study of the use of recycled materials in construction from the point of view of fire safety.


Zsuzsanna Kerekes was born 1958 in Budapest. She began her hight studies in 1976 at the Pannon University in Veszprém, and obtained the MSc degree in chemical engineering, silicate chemistry specialization.  She began her dr.univ studies in 1981 at the Doctoral School of Budapest University of Technology Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. She has been an university lecturer since 1999-2020 at Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering Fire-safety Engineering Óbuda University as fire protection laboratory leader. She obtained a PhD degree in 2015 and habil degree in 2019. Instructor since 2019 at the University of Public Service. She has been working in her profession for 40 years in various fields: material structure research, ceramics, glass, analytics.  Her research topic is “research and development combustion mechanism of non-combustible and combustible materials,”

Das,O-Restás,Á-Försth, M-Sas, G-Hedenqvist M: Naturally-occuring Bromophenol to develop fire retardant gluten bioplastics

Oisik Das is an employee at the structure and Fire group of Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). Oisik Das has extensive background in materials research including biocomposites, biochar, polymer processing, material characterisation, nanoindentation, pyrolysis, etc. His special interest is flammability of composite structures and materials wherein he investigates the reaction-to-fire behaviour of polymeric composites used for structural and semi-load bearing applications. Oisik Das also conducts research on novel fire retardants such as naturally-occurring lanosol, which is obtained from marine red algae. Additionally, his recent research interests pertain to the fire behaviour of concrete structures and wooden façades. Oisik Das was one of the first researchers to demonstrate a balance between mechanical and fire-retardant behaviour of composites using sustainable biochar. He is currently leading a STINT project, that is attempting to propagate the aforementioned phenomenon using biopolymers and renewable materials.

Oisik Das is very active in publishing and in 2020, he published over 20 journal articles. His current h-index is 20 with over 1500 citations. He has authored over 60 peer-reviewed articles; 7 book chapters and also an academic textbook related to fundamental polymer science. Oisik Das has 7 years of teaching experience in four different countries of Sweden, Singapore, New Zealand and India. He is very passionate about pedagogic activities and have recently published an article stating some key strategies for continuing experimental research during university and lab closures as a result of pandemics.

Michael Försth gained his MSc (1995) at Uppsala University, Sweden, in Engineering Physics. He received his PhD (2001) in Physics at Chalmers University of Technology, in Gothenburg, Sweden. He has been researcher, research manager, and section manager at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden before becoming full-time professor in structural engineering at Luleå University of Technology in 2019. Michaels has a wide scope in his research interests but the core of his research is focused on radiative heat transfer, pyrolysis and fire dynamics. In addition to his research Michael has also made contributions within fire regulations in bus fire safety (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, The Working Party on General Safety provisions, UN ECE GRSG) and cable fire standardization (CENELEC TC20/WG10).

Gabriel Sas is Chaired Professor of Structural Engineering, division of Structural and Fire Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. He received his PhD title in 2011 and the Docent title in 2017 from the same university. 

Before taking his current position in 2020, Gabriel has primarily worked in the R&D sector in Norway as researcher, scientific leader or manager of applied research projects within bridge and dam engineering. 

His research is focused on promoting sustainability by prolonging the life of existing structures. He believes in using a multidisciplinary approach, where the strength of one method mitigates the weakness of another one, to solve complex problems such as for example to find out what is the true capacity of a bridge. This implies to intertwine different methods, e.g., numerical analysis, monitoring, condition assessment, structural testing or reliability analysis, in a seamless and resource-effective way, i.e., applying the right tool or method at the right step.

Other research interests include also the behavior of structures made out of the new generation of engineered materials, like for example UHPC, structures made out recycled materials resulted from demolitions, and the structural safety of structures exposed to elevated temperatures. 

Mikael Hedenqvist is Professor and heads the Polymeric Materials Division at the Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He works on synthetic and biobased polymers (proteins, polysaccharides, polyesters) on topics such as processing of polymers, long-term properties and mass transport, electric and mechanical properties of polymers, foams and composites (experiments and simulations/modelling). He is editor-in-chief of Polymer Testing and has co-authored more than 260 peer-review papers (including 13 reviews) and 9 book chapters. He has co-authored the textbook Fundamental Polymer Science, U. W. Gedde, M. S. Hedenqvist, 2nd Ed., Springer, Berlin, 2019. 



Ágoston Restás, PhD habil., PhD - Restas.Agoston@uni-nke.hu Dr Ágoston Restás (Eng., ret. Firefighter Lt. Colonel) habilitated associate professor at the National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operation Management. Restas holds mechanical engineering (1988), economist (1999) and disaster manager (2002) degrees. In 2008 Restás made his PhD thesis at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defense University, titled “Research and development of the aerial reconnaissance and extinguishing of forest fires”. In 2013 Restas prepared his other PhD thesis at the Corvinus University of Budapest, titled “Decision-making of firefighting managers in emergencies”. Habilitation was also passed in 2015 at the National University of Public Service, Budapest.

Subsection 3

Veresné Rauscher, J: Evacuation scenarios and repeated runs for evacuation simulations

Abstract: The aim of the present study is to show what evacuation scenarios need to be examined during the evacuation calculations and according to which aspects they should be developed. I examined international regulations, recommendations, and literature data and compared them with domestic expectations and practices. Using an approach and examples, I show how usage patterns, geometric features, person characteristics and starting positions can influence the number and nature of evacuation scenarios. In addition, I show the extent of repeated runs due to the statistical settings of the input parameters and how it is worth evaluating the obtained results.

Judit Rauscher is architect and fire protection engineer. She is currently studying at Óbuda University Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, her doctoral research focuses on evacuation in healthcare institutes. She has been dealing with evacuation for more than 10 years, including computer based evacuation simulation. She has presented her work and results in fire protection planning at more international conferences in recent years, and joined international organizations to further develop herself. In addition to work and study, she also participates in the preparation of legislation and in the training of the field of fire protection (Óbuda University, BME University, conferences).


Vass, Gy-Érces- G-Rácz, S: Fire protection in smart cities

Colonel Dr. habil. Gyula Vass was born in 1957. He has been leading the Institute of Disaster Management since 2017. Colonel Dr. Vass has master’s degrees in civil engineer (1991) and fire engineering (1986). He defended his PhD thesis in the field of military sciences, disaster management in 2006 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University. In 2016 he habilitated at Ludovika-UPS and from 2017, he is full-time associate professor. He has positions at Fire and Disaster Management organisations as a firefighter, fire prevention officer, industrial safety expert and different fire chiefs. He is a member of the Scientific Council for Disaster Management, the Technical Scientific Section for Nuclear Accident Prevention and the Nuclear Energy Certification Commission.


Dipl. eng. Gergő Érces, PhD., architect, fire protection engineer, University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of Disaster Management, Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management, associate professor.

After obtaining an MSc degree in architecture from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2009, he received a fire protection engineering certificate in 2011 at the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture of Szent István University. In the field of technical sciences, he obtained a PhD academic degree in 2019 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service.

His career started as a professional firefighter at the Budapest Fire Department in 2010, where he worked in the field of fire investigation, and from 2012 he worked at the Capital Disaster Management Directorate in the field of fire prevention. Since 2017 he has been a lecturer in fire prevention courses at the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management of the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. At the university, he works as a research engineer in the field of disaster management and fire prevention.

Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.

Nagy, K.: How Different Kinds of Built-in Fire Prevention Equipment Work Together

In increasingly complex buildings planned heat and smoke exhaust is critical to ensure safe escape routes. The cooperation of various types of fire prevention equipment was examined in full-scale tests. Meanwhile, the developments in measurement methods allowed for more detailed investigations. Full-scale tests by Dr. Covelli et al. demonstrated that targeted smoke extraction is essential in places both protected and unprotected by sprinklers, However, both functions should be considered when creating a system. A series of French studies, concluded in 2020, in addition to further reaffirming the current principles in regulation, presented the 10 golden rules of natural smoke extraction.

Keywords:  seamless cooperation of fire prevention equipment, full-scale fire tests, heat and smoke extraction, effective life protection, sprinklers

Katalin NAGY Fire prevention and safety engineer

Association of Fire Prevention Engineers – chairman

HFR TvMI – work group leader

Hungarian Fire Prevention Association – work group leader

Ludor Kft. – professional director



Xu, J.: Tree Seed Fibers Flammability  Analysis by MCC and TGA

Abstract: Poplar and plane tree are widely planted as street trees in cities. The seed fibers of both two kinds of tree pose a significant fire risk. Microscale combustion calorimetry (MCC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to study the flammability of two kinds of fluffy seed fibers. Both Method A and B procedures were used in MCC tests, while TGA tests were conducted in Nitrogen and Air atmospheres. The peak heat release rate is higher for method B compared to method A at a given heating rate. From Method B, the net calorific value of the specimen gases, for poplar is 16.09 kJ/g and for plane tree is 16.65 kJ/g. These values are similar to other biomass namely, rice husk and wheat straw, which have high level of fire risk.

Mr. JINHENG XU is now a sophomore in School of Chemistry, Nankai University, China. He conducts continuous research, primarily in the field of chemistry and fire engineering. He is currently doing a deep research in the topic of the flammability of tree seed fibres.

Gyapjas, J. Haris, R.: Fire Safety in building construction

Abstract: The following presentation supports our claim that the representation of fire safety in the building construction is not optimal. The aim of our scientific research was to find typical insufficiencies by the method of focus group interviews and questionnaire. Twelve typical constructional insufficiencies were identified, whereof six stands out by occurrence. Fire safety professionals are rarely involved in the process of construction and obtaining occupancy permit. Constructional insufficiency in non-licensed building construction is also a common occurrence. Based on the results in this study we propose the optimalization of constructional fire safety.

Col. János Gyapjas  deputy director, Bács-Kiskun County Disaster Management Directorate – János Gyapjas has a degree in fire safety engineering (Bsc) and disaster management engineering (Msc), and currently he is an applicant for Ph.D. His field of research is disaster management and fire safety engineering. He is the founding president of the Fire Safety Section of Chamber of Civil Engineers of Bács-Kiskun County. He regularly organises notable conferences on fire safety engineering.

Lt. Regina Zsófia Haris, Fire safety officer – Her first experience with firefighting was a devastating fire in the college building of her hometown. She was a teenager at that time, and this sad event directed her to the fire safety field. She has been a volunteer firefighter ever since, and she obtained a degree in fire safety engineering 8 years ago. She has been working for the Fire Prevention Department of Bács-Kiskun County Disaster Management Directorate since 2012 as a fire safety officer. She focuses on enforcing fire safety related regulations and building codes either during design, construction or operation.

Péter Tóth: New Hungarian standard for testing facade fire propagation

Abstract: There is a continuous change in building technologies and in building materials. The risk of serious facade fires has been increased due to extensive use of combustible materials on facades during the last 20 years. The existing national testing and classification methods shall be reviewed and modified regularly in order to follow these changes. This presentation briefly describing the alterations and the new features of the Hungarian testing standard MSZ 14800-6:2020.

Péter Tóth was born on 25th of July 1971 in Budapest. He began his studies in 2000 at the Technical University of Budapest and obtained the MSc degree in Civil Engineering. He began his PhD studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He is currently the Chief Scientific Officer of ÉMI LLC, expert member of the Standing Committee of Construction and the GRP-Advisory Group on Construction of European Commission. He is also a PhD Candidate. His research topic is “Development of testing method of facade fire propagation” The expected time for his thesis defence is 2022.

Svetlík, J – Makovická Osvaldová, L:Temperature on car doors exposed to fire – pre-test

Abstract: Fires of passenger motor vehicles are a part of life. They can be seen in the streets at any hour, and most often happen when the vehicle is parked. The article deals with the effects of simulated fire on the structural elements of cars (doors) while recording the temperatures and the flow of radiant heat. The experiment was carried out in a fire room and verified the methodology of evaluating the behavior of car doors under thermal stress caused by a fire from a liquid spill. The results of experiments can serve as a basis for the car fire simulations in both enclosed and open spaces.

Key words: car fire, temperature, experiment

Doc. Ing. Jozef Svetlík, PhD.  is currently the head of the Department of Fire Engineering, University of Žilina in Žilina. In 2001, he completed his university studies in the field of crisis management. In 2002, he joined the Department of Fire Protection as an assistant professor. In 2009 he defended his dissertation on the topic "Multi-criteria selection of firefighting equipment". Since 2018 he has been a full associate professor in the field of rescue services. He defended his habilitation thesis on the topic "Experimental investigation of car fires". In his educational and scientific research activities in 2002, he deals with the issue of water supply by fire brigades in fighting fires, tactics of intervention by rescue services, as well as vehicle fires, especially personal motor vehicles.

He actively participates in solving scientific research tasks in the subject area. These are the tasks of international (FP7, IPCEI) and national grant schemes. He presents the results of his creative activity at international conferences and seminars, as well as through Erasmus + lecture mobilities in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Spain.

doc. Bc. Ing. Linda Makovická Osvaldová, PhD. is an associate professor at the Department of Fire Engineering at the Faculty of Security Engineering. She is involved in teaching the subjects of Safety and Health Protection in the Fire and Rescue Corps, Fire Safety of Technological Processes and Fire Testing, and in teaching Erasmus+ students. In her scientific and educational activities, she deals with the issues of occupational safety and health protection of rescue forces, testing of materials used in technological processes and in building constructions, as well as with natural materials in forest fires and their impact on the safety of rescue corps in fire fighting. She works within the field of occupational safety and fire prevention (development of e-learning modules for training of employees). She is an active member of both domestic and foreign organizations: The Slovak Association for Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Protection; Common vision: Work safety in the building industry in the Czech Republic; and The American Association of International researchers (AAIR). She is a member of several editorial boards of foreign and domestic magazines: Bezpečná práca, Journal of Engineering  and Architecture, Acta Universitas Matthiae Belii séria Enviromentálne manažérstvo, European Journal of Environmental and Safety sciences, Delta journal. Her scientific research activities are varied and published both in indexed journals and in indexed conferences. She is active in international fora where she has presented the results of various projects.

A. Majlingova, P. Tischler: Compartment Fire Modelling

Andrea Majlingova is an Associated Professor at Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia. She lecturing and researching in this University, at the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Department of Fire Protection. She has an MSc degree (Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia), holds a PhD in Rescue Services (University of Žilina, Slovakia) and in Forest Management (Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia). Her research fields are: Geoinformatics for Disaster Risk Managemement, fire and disaster management intervention and support, analysing the fire risks with using wood materials.



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