
2nd ISCFEDM – Section C, Firefighting and rescue operation managment

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This page contains the presentations of Section C of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Fire Engineering and Disaster Management 2022. (Az oldal a II. Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki és Katasztrófavédelmi Nemzetközi Tudományos Konferencia angol nyelvű előadásainak anyagait tartalmazza.)

Table of contents for this section

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Subsection 1

Chair: Andrea Majlingova | Co-Chair: Péter Pántya


Subsection 2

Chair: Danica Kacikova | Co-Chair: Sándor Rácz


Subsection 3

Chair: Siviwe Shwababa | Co-Chair: László Bodnár


Subsection 4

Chair: Jayne Kamau | Co-Chair: Rajmund Kuti


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Valek L. - Rácz S. - Horváth H.: Complex analysis of fires in industrial facilities


Levente Valek was born on the 14th of November 1985 in Budapest. He is a firefighter since 2010 in Budapest. He started his studies at the University of Public Service, in disaster management as a BA student. He graduated as a Disaster Management Organizer in Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. Since 2021, he has been a master's student in Disaster Management at the University of Public Service. Now he is a firefighter at the Professional Fire Department in Budapest District XIX. His research interests are firefighting and fire protection of industrial plants.


  Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.

Maj. Hermina Horváth is an assistant lecturer at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service since 2012.

She was born on 17 of April 1988 in Szekszárd. She began her studies in 2006 at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration officer and in 2009 the MSc degree in defence administration as a defence administration manager, disaster specialization. She began her PhD studies in 2013 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. 

Her research topic is emergency planning at railway marshalling yards, and dangerous goods transportation. She is also has a certificate of training as safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterway. In addition she is the secretary at Scientific Students Association at the Faculty of Law Enforcement at UPS. She received the excellent lecturer title of the Institute in 2017.



Horváth L.: Ergonomic approach to personal protective equipment for firefighters


Lilla Horváth began her higher education in 2007 at Faculty of Bioengineering at Budapest University Of Technology and Economics. In 2013 she obtained an Msc degree in bioengineering and 2014 in Health and Safety Engineering. She has begun her PhD studies in 2021 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. She is currently a Health and Safety specialist at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management.



Bohacsi B. - Rácz S. - Bisztrán Z.: Firefighting in case of ship fires


Firefighter lieutenant Bettina Bohácsi was born on 7 of March 1995 in Budapest. She began her studies in 2014 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in disaster management as a Disaster Management Organizer. After that She became a master’s student at the same university in Disaster Management in 2020. Now she is working at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior. She’s research interest is firefighting and technical rescue in case of vehicle accidents. She also writes her thesis on this topic.


Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.

  Zoltán Bisztrán was born on 30 of May 1970 in Budapest. He has been working as a professional firefighter since 1991. His civil profession is civil engineer and marine technician. In 2001, he graduated at the University of Pécs as a technical lecturer in the field of fire protection. Now he is a master’s student at the University of Public Service. Since 1994 he is a fire chief. Throughout his career, he has had various positions from intervening firefighter to the fire chief. He has many operator qualifications for small machines, fire trucks and special trucks. He also taught in elementary firefighting school. In 2001, he won the national professional firefighting competition with his team. He has received many recognitions, including two national commander's awards and four times the interior minister's award and praise. In recent years, he has been regularly involved in the intervention in case of major natural and industrial disasters. 



Debreceni P.:  Challenges and opportunities in forest fire prevention in Hungary


Peter Debreceni was born on 17th of March 1975 in Vác. He began his studies in 1994 at the University of Sopron and obtained the MSc degree in Faculty in Forestry in 2000. He has been working for Natinal Food Chain Safety Office as forest inspector since 2001. His research topic is forest fire prevention. His specialities are design and analysis of forest fire database, operation and development of fire ban system, preparing and developing forest fire prevention plans. He has been a member of EU Commission Expert Group of Forest Fire since 2006. He is awarded with bronze medal for volunteer support of Disaster Managent by Minister of Interior in 2020.



Szeleczki D. - Pántya P.: Firefighters' life-saving activity, equipment and circumstances regarding to aircrafts


Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.


Daniel Szeleczki is 30 years old and he began his studies in 2019 at the University of Public Service (Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of the Disaster Management, BA degree in Fire protection and rescue managment). He is currently serving as a professional fire fighter for 8 years. He participated at the Scientific Student Conference of this University as a speaker.

His research topics are: The firefighter’s intervention and lifesaving activities regarding to aircrafts.



Nagy Gy. - Pántya P.: Hearing protection for firefighters


György Nagy began his studies in 2013 at the Szent István College (BSc degree in horticultural engineering).

He is a chief technical rapporteur since 2021 at the Pest County Disaster Management Directorate. Between 2014 and 2021 he was firefighter and technical security officer at the Professional Fire Department of Érd. 

From 2019, he is a student at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of the Disaster Management. His specialization for Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. He participated at the Scientific Student Conference of this University as a speaker.

His field of researches are the technical equipment of fire units, hearing protection of firefighters.


Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.



Kovács N. - Pántya P.: The life-saving activity of firefighters, it’s means and circumstances


Norbert Kovács has been working as a subordinate firefighter at the Fejér County Disaster Management Directorate, Székesfehérvár Professional Fire Brigade for twenty-two years, he also often serves as a squadron commander.

He lives in Székesfehérvár with his wife and twenty-four years old son.

He applied to the University of Public Service to elevate his many years of experience to a higher level. He began his studies in 2019 at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Institute of the Disaster Management, BA degree in Fire protection and rescue management. He also participated at the Scientific Student Conference of this University as a speaker.

His research topics are: The fire engines and machines, technical equipment.

  Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.



Bánhegyi R. - Rácz S.: Rescue of personnel with tracheotomy


Maj. Roland Bánhegyi was born on 27 of July 1978 in Mohács. He was graduated in high school in 1999 and in the same year he applied for admission to a military school in Budapest. A year later he got his first assignment in Pécs like a platoon commander. Seven years later in 2007 he gave up the military life and became a firefighter. In 2010 he became a firefighter technician. He began his studies in 2017 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in fire protection and rescue operations management as a Disaster Manager in Fire Protcetion and Rescue Control. He is interesting in the topic of firefighting in case of electric vehicles and firefighting in case of dangerous substances.

  Sándor Rácz was born on 11 of April 1973 in Nyírbátor. He began his studies in 2010 at the University of Public Service and obtained the BSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Organizer and after that the MSc degree in defence administration as a Defence Administration Manager. He began his PhD studies in 2015 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the University of Public Service. He received his scientific degree in 2019. He is currently an assistant professor at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, who works at the Institute of Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also worked at the Municipal Fire Department of Budapest and at the Professional Fire Department of Budapest District IX as a Deputy Commander.



Fekete A. - Pántya P.: Recent fire safety and security management challenges in Germany and Hungary


Alexander Fekete research focuses on studying the systemic interrelations of natural, technical and man-made hazards with social vulnerabilities and critical infrastructures. Interdisciplinary disaster risk management, risk governance, urban resilience, risk and crisis communication, and target levels of safety and security are recent research and educational activities.

Alexander Fekete previously worked from 2009-2012 as a Project Officer at the German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance in the field of Critical Infrastructure Protection. From 2005-2009 he was Research Scholar at the United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), conducting research on social vulnerability to floods and climate change adaptation. As a consultant he worked for WHO, the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), and the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV). He has carried out fieldwork and workshops in Armenia, Iran, Japan, Sri Lanka and Switzerland. Alexander Fekete holds a diploma degree in Geography from the University of Würzburg a doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from the University of Bonn and a Habilitation at University of Würzburg.

  Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.



Shwababa S. - De Vos A.: Harnessing the use of UAVs in Wildfire mitigation among smallholder farmers


Dr. Siviwe Shwababa is a qualified environmental scientist who holds a PhD from the University of Free State, in Bloemfontein South Africa. His areas of expertise entail environmental management and governance, improved environmental performance, protection of natural resources, restoration of degraded ecosystems, climate change mitigation and the implementation of disaster risk reduction measures in vulnerable communities. 

His responsibilities involve undertaking specialised work relating to environmental assessment, prioritisation of environmental risk areas, managing disaster risk reduction projects and research. He has further participated meaningfully, in numerous research projects across South Africa and has published disaster risk reduction scholarly articles in Hungary, Portugal and Germany. He is an Associate Researcher at Rhodes University in Makhanda, South Africa. 

  Dr. Alta Devos



Horváth T. - Kováts L.: Improvised explosive device training in Afganistan


Tibor Horváth is an associate professor at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Sciences and Military Training, Department of Military Strategy. He did his doctoral training and degree at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University, Doctoral School of Military Sciences. He graduated summa cum laude. His research interests are: Technical support for combat, examination of state and team fortification structures, Technical tools used in peace operations, procedures EOD and IED.C-IED. 

  Levente Sándor Kováts is an assistant lecturer at the University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, Department of Military Strategy. He is also a PhD Student at the University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Sciences.  He studied at Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty Social Sciences, International Studies (BA) and International Security and Defence Policy (MSc) at University of Public Service, Faculty of International and European Studies.



Riebel B. - Pántya P.: Winches on fire trucks


Bálint Riebel


Péter Pántya began his studies in 2003 at the Tessedik Sámuel College (BSc degree in human affairs) later continue at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University (MSc an BSc) for Defence Administration Organizer (Disaster Management, Fire Protection and Firefighter) He began his PhD studies in 2008 at the Doctoral School of Military Engineering at the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. He is currently an associate professor at the Institute for Disaster Management of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service. He also has a habilitation. His research topics are: fire and disaster management activities, technical equipment, and the raising of the efficiency of the fire organisations at the incidents.






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